The Greatest Gift

I have felt physically lousy most of the week. My whole body ached, from my feet to my teeth. I felt tired and sick to my stomach. So, of course, I went to the doctor. . . . . Dr. Google. From the symptom checker application, it seemed that I had a “fair chance” of having a psychosomatic illness, all of the way up to terminal cancer. It was a big range of possibilities.

I had an uncle whose every toast was “To Good Health.” I already knew what the toast would be before it came out of his mouth. In my younger years, I would think to myself, “Oh, brother, can you be a little more creative? What about your family? What about love and beauty and poetry?” Now, though, I have a true appreciation of that toast. Love and beauty and poetry, and even your family, are difficult things to appreciate when you feel like sh*t. Health is pretty important.

I feel A LOT better today. There was a “fair chance” that my body was fighting a short-lived virus, and it needed some time and rest, to fight it all off. Of course, that extra gut shot (a horrible tasting, ridiculously high priced, beet juice full of probiotics) and a little bit of estrogen cream rubbed on my thigh, probably made sure that most of my bases were covered. (My son who wants to be a doctor, I am sure, just rolled his eyes. I am good practice for what to expect from his worst future patients.)

Anyway, it feels great to feel great. Those days that you don’t feel so hot, really make you appreciate your health, all of the more. On the way home from dropping my daughter at school this morning, I turned the music up loud. I was listening to a “throwback station” (my new jam) and “Take Me On”, by A-ha was playing. It sounded so good. I even drove around my neighborhood to hear the whole song. It was like I was in a 1980s time capsule. Life is good.

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. - Buddha