Monday – Funday

My husband and I were at a Home Depot over the weekend, and of course, the Halloween decorations were already displayed in full force. The store had a big sign by the building sized skeletons that you could only purchase ONE PER CUSTOMER. How many giant skeletons could you possibly need? And where do you store them the other 11 months out of the year? I like buying things in bulk, but I don’t like buying really bulky things in bulk.

Going into a new season, is always a particularly reflective time for me. Recently, I read an interesting story about Louise Hay, the woman who started Hay House Publishing, known for their spiritual and inspirational books. She refused to repeat sad or depressing stories. If she heard negative news, she never repeated that news to anyone. I thought that would be interesting to try myself, and so I have been more conscious about what I share. It is amazing how my impulse to share salacious, temper-inducing, “juicy”, fearsome, agonizing stories is bigger than I care to admit. I’ve failed this attempt to trim the negativity that I spread, many times already. Certainly, if there is something that can be done for the people involved in a tragedy, or a warning of something dangerous impending is helpful to others, than sharing the information is kind, and sometimes even vital. But to pass on negative news, just for the sake of spreading doom, kind of just turns you into a Debbie Downer. Debbie Downer is a bigger part of my personality than my Pollyanna half likes to admit. But my DD can be put into her place – into her own dark little corner to stew all by herself.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.