The Part that Isn’t Shown

****Happy Birthday to the love of my life!!! There is no one else I would rather share these amazing memories with, and future incredible adventures with, than you!! You are my greatest gift in my life. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. xoxo*****

Based on the stats, and a few texts that I got from some readers of the blog in my personal life, yesterday’s blog hit a nerve. Wakeup People on X posted this meme below today, that sort of continues on yesterday’s theme. Most of the good which we witness in people’s lives has been hard won, treasured, valued, prioritized, worked for . . . . yes, some people do get “lucky breaks”, but even the “lucky breaks” must be cherished, preserved and appreciated in order for them to continue to be a blessing in someone’s life. It is important to know, and to respect and honor, how hard most people have worked to get, and to keep, their good jobs, their robust savings, their lovely homes, their happy families, their healthy marriages, their vast knowledge, their honed talents, their vital bodies, their strong faiths, their loving relationships, their peace of mind. Most people who have, and who hold on to these things which we say that we universally want, do not take these greatest of things in life, for granted. They work at all of this with the underlying fuel of gratefulness that they have the ability to create, and to experience, and to continue to nourish, all of the best that life has to offer them.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

1942. Do you know how to ride a bike?