Very Worky

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Happy Friday!!!! Happy Favorite Things Friday!!! New readers, we keep it light and sugary here at Adulting – Second Half on Fridays. On Fridays, we discuss the material stuff of life and what makes our hearts sing the most, when it comes to the material plane. Typically I list three of my favorite things, cosmetics, songs, websites, pet products, etc. I strongly encourage you to add any of your favorites to the Comments section. You do not have to stick with the theme. Variety is the spice of life. Please also check out previous Friday posts for more favorites.

So, what did you raid out of your kids’ candy bag this morning? America’s top three favorite candy bars are Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Snickers and M and M’s. I am one of those weird people who does not like Snickers. I would put Twix in place of Snickers any day.

To put a new twist on Favorite Things Friday, I’ve decided to list the ten worst Halloween candy, according to a poll of more than 30,000 Americans. Here is the list of the 10 worst Halloween candies:

  1. Candy Corn
  2. Circus Peanuts
  3. Mary Janes
  4. Wax Coke Bottles
  5. Necco Wafers
  6. Tootsie Rolls
  7. Smarties
  8. Licorice
  9. Good & Plenty
  10. Bit-O-Honey

So, the candy on the above list, is the stuff that we’ll be eating right before Thanksgiving, when all of the other good stuff is gone. Waste not, want not, right???

Have a great Friday friends! Enjoy your sugar high!! Enjoy your weekend!!

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