
Last night my husband and I watched the sweetest little documentary called Good Night Oppy. It was a lovely, delightful watch before going to sleep. Good Night Oppy is about the Mars Exploration Rovers which landed on Mars in 2003 and were only expected to stay functional for a 90 day mission, but both of the rovers, named Spirit and Opportunity, ended up “living” and exploring Mars for years and years. Despite aging, and memory problems, and weathering many journeys and storms, Opportunity or “Oppy” ended up doing her job for almost 15 years! If you need a “feel good”, inspiring movie that takes you out of the drama and negativity that sometimes seems so pervasive these days, watch Good Night Oppy. It’s so pleasant and gratifying and brings out everyone’s “inner geek”. Good Night Oppy shows the excitement of dreams come true, all from the beauty of human ingenuity and teamwork. The documentary even shows how music unites us all. Good Night Oppy reminds us that we can love our own creations, and our machines like we love living things. (Who of us hasn’t shed a tear after selling a beloved car?) Good Night Oppy reminds us of just how far the breadth and the depth of our own love can expand, perhaps even to Mars and into universes beyond.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.