Juneteenth Friday

If you must look back, do so forgivingly. If you must look forward ...

My friend just sent the above quote to our group chat. Maya Angelou will always be one of my favorite writers. What a gift of inspiration her words were to all of us!! Today is “Favorite Things Friday” here at Adulting- Second Half. On Fridays, I share three of my favorite anythings and I strongly encourage you to share your favorites with us in the Comments section. Please see previous Friday posts for more favorites. Here are my favorites for today:

Gevalia Mocha Latte Espresso K-Cup Coffee Pods & Froth Packets – My new favorite cafe is my daughter’s bedroom. I don’t have to wear a mask or wait in much of a line, at this delightful place. My daughter has a little corner nook in her bedroom where her Kuerig is set up and she is always trying new concoctions with her magic machine. These lattes are divine!! My daughter sprinkles a little bit of cinnamon on top and the result is Heaven in a coffee mug. She says the mocha option is amazing, as well, but I haven’t “ordered” one of those yet. But I will soon, and I know that it will be scrumptious!

Shovava Shop on Etsy – I have a thing for owls and I have a thing for shawls/scarfs and this Australian shop on Etsy marries both of my obsessions perfectly. These thin, beautiful, hand-painted scarfs drape around your shoulders perfectly, providing warmth and comfort and elegance, while still being very breathable. They are also able to be folded very compactly, so they are easily transported to airports and restaurants and theaters, when these things become part of normal life again. What I like best about the owl variety that Shovava makes, is that you literally get wrapped up into the wings of the owl. Mystically beautiful! Please note that the scarves take a while to arrive to the United States, since they are coming from Australia during the coronavirus.

Daily Peace Quotes – I have an email subscription to the Daily Peace Quotes from LivingCompassion.org. I usually find them among the most thought provoking items that I read throughout the day (and I LOVE to read. I read A LOT.) The quotes are typically short and sweet and yet, quite deep. For example, here’s today’s Peace Quote:

We are here and it is now. Further than that, all human knowledge is moonshine. 
– H. L. Mencken 

On that note, I read that people keep “moon gardens” which are gardens that only contain flowers that bloom at night, by the light of the moon. I think that is a fabulous idea, especially during summertime. Have a wonderful, celebratory weekend, friends!!!

Once In a Moon Quotes - How Was Your Day?