Friday Ride

90 Friday Memes That Will Supplement Your Friday Feels

Hi friends and readers!! Welcome to the best day of the week!! Do whatever you need to do to get into that Friday feeling. We had our weekly family Zoom chat last night, and my youngest son, a student, away at college, said that recently he had to remind himself to have some fun. We are supposed to have some fun in life. Actually, we are probably supposed to have a lot of fun, in life. For some sad reason, it is easier to forget to have fun during these strange times which we are living in. So, here’s your reminder. It’s Friday. It’s a great day to start having fun! Have a lot of fun!!

My regular readers know that Fridays are rarely deep and intellectual and thoughtful, here at Adulting – Second Half. On Fridays, I list three favorite anythings – products, songs, food stuff, etc. and I strongly encourage you to add your favorites to my Comments section. Please check out previous Friday posts for more fun things to add to you living experience. Here are my favorites for today:

Whimsical Alley Mermaid Tail Pen with Feathers – Here’s a link to buy one of these for yourself:

You want one. You know that you do. I don’t even remember where or when I purchased my mermaid tail pen, but I am guessing that it was on a Friday when I was probably desperately seeking some fun. I get that this pen is probably more marketed towards little girls and tweens, but it makes my inner child sing. Also, it is one the smoothest writing pens which I have ever used and I am addicted to pens. I have thousands of pens, yet this has become my “go-to pen”, on daily basis since the beginning of the year.

Revlon So Fierce Big Bad Lash mascara – This is my new holy grail mascara. I was reading some article about some celebrity who can’t live without this mascara, so I thought it was worth a nine dollar try. Ummm, I am now going to throw away all 20 of the other mascaras sitting in my makeup drawer. I looked in my car mirror yesterday and I was so enamored with my lashes that I didn’t even zero in on my dark under-eye bags and crows feet. That’s called magic in a bottle, ladies. Give yourself an inexpensive lift this weekend. Show those peepers off, in the best way possible!!

Manslipping – Supposedly, “manslipping” is now an official word, used in newspapers and magazines all around the world. It refers to the tendency for men to let their masks fall below their noses. I love new words. I think that there was definitely a word needed to describe this enormous phenomenon. Manslipping is my new favorite word.

It’s Friday. Get in. Get into your life. Get into something that feels fun and interesting to you. Get into yourself. Explore what makes “you” tick, like you would explore a new place or a new relationship. Leave judgment on the curb, and embrace curiosity and wonder and delight, in the back of the limo of your own life! Have a great weekend!!!

Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love. 

Om Friday

Can we get an OM YEAH? #happyfriday #om #yoga #yogafam#yogateacher  #yogaclass | Yoga quotes funny, Yoga funny, Yoga quotes

Hi friends! Happy Friday! Usually on Fridays, I list three favorite things of the material world that make life a more sensual, intensified, interesting experience, for me. Lately, though, I would be okay with less intense, less visceral, more even keel experiences, how about you? In the beginning of the year, I get into cleaning out mode, so the idea of finding more “things” to add to my life, feels exhausting and smothering.

Yesterday, I took Trip, our nine-month-old Boykin spaniel puppy to a local park to play “fetch to the death.” Okay, not really to the death, but he would have been game to try. His high intensity, disorganized, unfocused puppy energy has a tendency to start working on all of our nerves, including our two older dogs, so I thought that it would be good for him to have an outlet for everything that was stirring up his insides. It turns out that the park outing was maybe needed by me, most of all.

For a good five years in my forties, I was a regular yoga practitioner. I am not sure why I got away from it (probably my frenetic need for variety and novelty), because yoga is wonderful, for the body and for the soul. Anyway, as I was driving Trip and myself over to the park, one of my favorite yoga chants came up on the play list, and starting playing over my radio. It turned out to be the perfect background music for watching my little puppy, run for joy towards a little yellow ball, again and again, with three elegant deer munching on grass, undisturbed, in the background.

Today, I am going to share this song with you all, as my only favorite for today. Get out your best hippie chic, light up a patchouli candle and let yourself sway to this chant, for as long as you need, to remind yourself, Everything is going be alright. Love, Peace, Freedom for us all. Have a delightful, tranquil, amazing weekend.

The Friday Funny: Yoga | Ramblings of the Claury

Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love. (this will be the daily mantra of the blog, for the rest of this year.)

Friday Presents

Merry Christmas, my dear friends and readers! It is funny to me, that this Christmas has fallen on my favorite day of the week, Friday. Typically I write about three favorite products or stores or songs or websites, etc. that make my material life magical. There is a nice pile of gifts, under the tree from Santa, so hopefully I’ll pick some favorites from that pile, to write about next Friday. Today though, I want to focus on you, because you, my readers, are a major part of one of my most favorite things in this world, my blog. Besides my family and my friends, this blog is probably the most dear thing, to my sweet little loving heart. Through this blog, I have rediscovered my passion for writing, I have found purpose, I have found my voice, and most importantly, I have been validated and “heard” by YOU. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Yesterday, I read the best little story about Weird Al Yankovic’s (the song parody guy) favorite 2020 experience. He said, for as bad as 2020 was for the world, there were real moments of “joy sprinkled in”. Al talked about being a strange, shy, nerdy young boy in the 9th grade, and having a crush on a girl named Patrice, who sat in front of him in math class. He decided to draw a portrait of her, but to keep her off of the scent of his crush, he drew a picture of every single person in that class, and gave it to them (although he said he spent the most of his time and his effort, on hers). No romance ever came of the portrait, but this year, Al saw on his Twitter feed that a woman was claiming to have sat in front of him, in math class, in the 9th grade. He messaged her, asking if her name was Patrice. She said yes. Al then asked if she remembered when he drew everyone’s portrait in the class. Two minutes later, she messaged him the picture of herself that he had drawn many, many years ago. She had kept that lovely, heart-drawn picture, all of these years!!!

People never forget acts of love, acts of courage, acts of kindness, especially when these acts are needed the most. I think a lot about people who have touched my life, especially around this time of year. For some reason, a music teacher I had in elementary school, keeps popping up in my mind. I am sure that she is long gone. A Google search didn’t provide any answers. Anyway, Mrs. Nancy K was probably in her sixties when she taught me in elementary school. Mrs. Nancy K took her job very seriously. Our school’s musical Christmas productions were renowned. She had exacting standards and expected Broadway quality performances from us commonplace kids. Mrs. Nancy K insisted that we stand up straight and proper in our seats at all times (she had an iron rod posture herself). For some reason, I remember how important it was to her, that we pronounce “angels” correctly. “It is NOT anjewels . . .it is An-GELS, enunciate, children, enunciate.” One year I was cast as “a little doll” in one of her Christmas productions. I felt so special. I LOVED being that little doll.

I think that the point of my post is that we give and we receive gifts, to and from each other, all year long, many, many times, and often, these gifts are given quite unconsciously. There are so many people, many of them strangers, who have made a big difference in my days, in my weeks, and often even in my life. You, my readers, are people who have made a tremendous difference in my life. You are a blessing to me. Remember, always, that you are a gift. Your life is a gift to you, and it is a gift to others, not just on Christmas, but all year long. Your very presence is the present you give to the world. There is no better gift that you can give, and you can be, than your most authentic, beautiful self.

Heavenly Friday

200+ Friday meme ideas | friday meme, its friday quotes, friday humor

Good morning, my awesome friends and readers!!! Today is Friday! Friday is “Favorite Things Friday”. On Fridays, I try not to think and ruminate. On Fridays, I typically list three favorite items of mine, like food, books, songs, etc. I ask you to add your favorites to my comments section. You can also check out my previous Friday postings for more of my favorites. (could be helpful with the holidays right around the corner) Here are my favorites for today:

Pinch Me Therapy Dough – This is like playdough for adults. It’s a wonderful little tin of dough with all different aromatherapy scents available. You keep the tin in the refrigerator and when you feel the need to squeeze some stress out of your system, you take out a little reusable piece of peace, and you squeeze it and you roll it and you smell it. Aww, the relief!! I find that my hands get a little stiff in the cooler weather (aging sucks sometimes) and this really helps exercise the stiffness out of my hands. Pinch me, I get to mess around with playdough again?!? Awesome!

Matthew McConaughey’s memoir Green Lights – I love this book. I read a lot of it out loud to my husband, on our way home from the mountains (even tried the Texas twang, here and there). Matthew is a wonderful storyteller. He is also obviously, a smart and insightful man. I love his refreshing candor and humor. This is a very well done memoir.

Emily McDowell and Friends Greeting Cards – A good friend of mine from college just introduced these hilarious, yet poignant, honest and open (and even sometimes vulgar) greeting cards, to me this week. Here is an example of one, made just for 2020:

I love going to the website and just reading and laughing and relating to all of the greeting cards! Have a wonderful weekend, friends!!! 2020 is almost over! We’ve almost made it. One of my meditations yesterday said to be like a mountain goat. Take one step at a time, be scrappy and nimble, and don’t worry about what is in the future as you climb to the top of the mountain. Just focus on one step at a time.

Small Things Friday


If we think about it, life really is made up of all of “the small things” that eventually make up “the big things.” It is the bunch of all of the little things which end up making our days, our weeks, our years, our relationships, our legacies, our lives. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the overthinking of the so-called “big things” (which are usually in the past, or in the future), that we often forget to notice all of the beautiful details that make up our lives, our days and our moments. I don’t take Fridays seriously on the blog. I list three favorite things, songs, videos, books, products etc. that make life more fun, right in the moment. Please see previous Friday posts for more good stuff and please mention your own favorites in my Comments section. It’s all the little good stuff that makes up a good life. Here are my favorites for today:

RealClearPolitics – If you are still deciding who to vote for in this election, this website collects articles from every part of the political spectrum for you to peruse through, and it keeps a constant tab on the polls, and even the betting odds. I, for one, do not want to get mired in any more of this election mess, but I do appreciate a website that tries to be unbiased when it comes to politics. If you are enjoying the buildup to the election, this website is definitely one to check out.

CPFK Calming Pheromone Collars for Dogs – Our male dogs’ relationship has become a challenge, including neuters and trainers and a lot of hand wringing. Our trainer recommended these collars that mimic the pheromones released when a mother dog is nursing. The collars keep the pheromones right up by the dogs’ faces and are activated by their own body heat. These aren’t miracle workers (like an on/off switch) but I do sense that the dogs are feeling less anxiety and seem to have less reactivity, since we put the collars on them, just a few days ago.

Shabby Chic website – This website is a wonderful place to find personalized gifts for people that have that cozy, comforting vintage feel. I recently bought a Shabby Chic baby bunting for my husband’s coworker who just had a baby girl. They also sell monogram-able bibs and towels for infants. Honestly, the website sells all sorts of pretty furnishings and clothing for people of any age. It’s the kind of website that takes you back to simpler times, which feels so refreshing.

(6) Vintage | Tumblr

Phew, It’s Friday

Woohoo, It's Friday! Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Twitter

Happy Friday!! I am so happy that today is Friday. So, so happy and relieved, I am. New readers, on Fridays, I stay at the shallow end of the pool. I don’t go deep on most Fridays. Fridays are “Favorite Things Friday” here at Adulting – Second Half. On Fridays, I list three favorite things, songs, websites, beauty products, etc. that make my material life fun. I strongly encourage you to share your favorites in my Comments section and please check out previous Friday posts for more of my favorites. Here are my favorites for today:

MDLIVE – I have a great general physician, but last Sunday, I was at the end of my rope with a lingering cough (don’t worry, I have tested negative for Covid), which has lasted for over a month. So, I got an appointment with a doctor, spoke to a doctor, got a prescription for antibiotics sent to my pharmacy, picked up my prescription and started taking my medicine, on a SUNDAY, all in a time span less than two hours. The doctor was very kind, empathetic and professional and MDLIVE accepts some insurance coverage. I would use this service again in a heartbeat, but I hope that I don’t have to for a while. I hope that you don’t need to utilize MDLIVE either, but keep it in your back pocket, just in case.

StriVectin Powerlift Instant Tightening Mask – I love StriVectin products. I have used their neck cream for a while now. However, this “Tighten and Lift” mask is my new favorite product from their line. The stress of all of this 2020 mess has been showing on my face, and this is the first product that I have ever used that I saw an immediate difference. If you need a lift, literally, try this product. Of course, there are no miracle anti-aging products that mimic a real facelift, but this product definitely helps fill in the lines, a little bit. It’s a picker upper in a tube and worth the price!

SWAD Coriander Chutney – I have been on a ramen soup kick these days. I start with the ramen and then I get creative by doctoring it up with leftovers, and salad about to wilt, and random single helpings of meat from the back of the freezer, and topping the hot, steamy soup with some crunchy cheese toast. Anyway, to give the soup some flavor and kick, I add a teaspoon of this delicacy to my concoctions and it makes all of the difference. If you are one that likes spice and tang, you must purchase a jar of this chutney. It is one of my go-to ingredients for a lot of my cooking. I purchase my jars of this wonderful flavor, on Amazon.

Enjoy the weekend, friends! Thank you, always, for coming by!!!

HAIR'S WHAT I THINK Or Monday, Monday… Can't Trust That Day…

January = Friday


Hi friends! Happy Friday!!! Happy Favorite Things Friday!! New readers, I don’t go to the “whys” of anything on Fridays. On Fridays, I keep it on the surface, and I list three favorite things, songs, products, websites, foods, etc., that make life just a little bit more fun! I strongly encourage you to list your favorite items in my Comments section and please check out previous Friday postings for more fun favorites. Here are today’s favorites:

2020 Mood of the Month Calendar:

The “2020 Mood of the Month” calendar, featuring Reese Witherspoon, put a smile on my face and a chuckle in my throat. A whole bunch of celebrities got in on “the mood of the month” action, and they can be seen in the above article, and also on Twitter. I think that we all can completely relate to the expressions shown on their faces. And I don’t think that it’s acting on anyone’s part. Reality bites in 2020, in many ways. And it certainly shows on people’s faces. Actors are just particularly expressive.

Giovanni Rana Gnocci Skillet Kit – If you think that gnocci is delicious, you will think that this gnocci is ridiculously delicious. I purchased this “easy and quick to put together” kit at Costco, without even getting a sample bite first. I feel like I hit the jackpot. Everyone in my family is in agreement that this might be some of the best gnocci they have ever eaten. Bon Apetit!

Friday Night Lights – This is an older TV series (early 2000s), but if you have never seen it, you must watch it now. My husband, my daughter and I have been hooked for about a month now, watching this TV show series practically every single night. Even my eldest son, whose only been here for the week, is completely hooked with us. The show features a small Texas town, whose whole community identity comes from their high school football team. The show doesn’t sugarcoat what it is like for people’s life experiences in remote, rural towns, with limited opportunities, and Coach Eric Taylor and his wife Tami, remind you that there are good-hearted, “full of integrity and tenacity and dedication” people out there in the world, even when it sometimes seems like these types of people, are few and far between.

Remember, Fridays deserve January’s mood, even in August 2020. Happy weekend, friends!!
