Friday is Real

Hoops & YoYo - Friday mirage

Hi, friends. My regular readers know that they can usually start their Fridays out with a whimsical little post from me, speaking of my frivolous favorites. Typically, I list three favorite things, or songs, or websites, or books, or whatevers, on any given Friday. But I didn’t do that today. On this Friday, this is the first time that you are hearing from me. On this Friday evening, I am sitting in an airport, awaiting another amazing adventure with my immediate family – the five people in this world, whom I love more than life itself.

No one would ever feel sorry for me. I have nice things, a decent sized savings account, and a husband of almost 27 years who loves me, and whom I adore back. I have a beautiful family, supportive friends, and overall, a really good life. Typically, I “reflect” my life. Typically, I look good in the airport. I have nice purses and luggage and clothes and I know how to put on make-up. I am well-traveled. I guess these days, I would be considered to be, what is commonly called (with an air of disdain), a privileged, white woman.

Nonetheless, today, I look a wreck. I threw on clothes that were on a heap on my floor, and make-up wasn’t even a consideration. I was seriously questioning whether me or my family would even make our flights. My husband ended up doing half my packing. I spent my morning at the hospital, a place that is fairly familiar to our family. My youngest son, who suffers from epilepsy, endured another major seizure this morning, after recuperating from a different, traumatizing seizure from the night before, when he ended in a heap up on the floor, convulsing uncontrollably, right after celebrating his brother’s birthday, with cake and ice cream. My baby’s feet were turning blue. It was hard to see if my son was really even actually breathing, so even though we are all experienced in these events, I frantically called the paramedics, yet once again, for the familiar reassurance and comfort that these incredible people always bring, along with all of their other muscles, (brawn and heart) and the heavy duty equipment which comes from being among the bravest and most compassionate people in the world.

This morning, after my son’s vitals all looked good, we conferred with his doctors. As usual, epilepsy remains a mystery. Trying to figure out epilepsy is trying to make sense out of nightmares which do not make sense. Epilepsy is always about trying to understand a personal mystery with dire consequences, and there never, ever seems to be any real, concrete, reassuring answers to give you any comfort and respite. Epilepsy makes you believe in hope, like nothing else you have ever believed in, because usually hope is the only thing you have left to hold on to, when dealing with this frustrating, personal and heart-breaking ailment.

Right now, I am writing this blog post from an airport this Friday evening. I don’t have my usual air of excitement, confidence and aura of “put togethered-ness”, that I sometimes carry along with me on my trips. I am scared out of my mind. I want to grab my son and I want to keep him in my own little cocoon, where he and I can never get hurt. Adventures be damned. I just want us to be safe and loved and alive, together.

But my son doesn’t see it the same way. My son doesn’t want epilepsy to win. And his doctors agree. So, right now, we are just doubling down on his medicine and praying that his body doesn’t rebel against his choice to live his life. And right now, I am that privileged woman, who you see walking through the airport, all decked out in fancy clothes that hide and shield, a wounded, desperate heart, praying that she is making the right decision, to roll with the punches, and to let things be as they may, as she walks behind her precious, beloved son, in a crowded corridor in any given airport.

Pin on Judging Quotes

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Beautiful Corny Cake Friday

happy #friday don't forget our #ss15 #collection will be available online  #monday www.forayclothi… | Inspirational quotes, Dream catcher boho,  Inspirational videos

Hello friends!! Welcome to the best day of the week!! I LOVE Fridays. Fridays just feel lighter, and more anticipatory, and more fun than any other day of the week. On Favorite Things Fridays, I try to keep it on the surface. On Fridays, I list three of my favorite things, songs, websites, movies, etc. and I would love it if you shared some of your favorites in my Comments section, in order to spread the fun and love. Here are my favorites for today:

National Day Calendar – “June 11, 2021 – NATIONAL MAKING LIFE BEAUTIFUL DAY – NATIONAL CORN ON THE COB DAY – NATIONAL GERMAN CHOCOLATE CAKE DAY” Did you know that it was National Corn on the Cob Day? Now you do. I did some exploration this week, to find out about who are the powers that be, who dare deem anything as a “National Day”. It turns out that it is a website and anyone can ask to register a national day for just about anything. This is a must-see website: I look at the National Day Calendar as a wonderful resource to remind yourself why living a life is so interesting, and full, and multi-faceted. You can also subscribe to the website’s daily blog, so I knew that it was National German Chocolate Cake Day, when I started scrolling my emails at 7 a.m. this morning. Yes, I am “in the know.”

Vitaminwater Zero Gutsy – If you have been my blog buddy for a while, you know that I love Vitaminwater. Vitaminwater tricks me into staying hydrated. It’s like Koolaid for adults. I particularly like the “zero” varieties, because I prefer to save my calorie count for pizza and German chocolate cake. This gutsy flavor is divine. They call it “watermelon peach” but it is a subtle blend of these two flavors, which is good because I honestly don’t particularly enjoy either flavor, but the fusion of the fruity flavors in “gutsy”, makes all of the difference. Even better, the beverage contains “prebiotic fiber”, hence the moniker “gutsy”. So, if you are a curious cat like me, you may be wondering what the difference between probiotic (I take gazillions of these a day) versus “prebiotic” is, and I will tell you. Probiotic is the good bacteria for your gut, and prebiotics are the food that feeds the probiotics. (at least this is what the marketers tell us.)

Soundtrack to Better Call Saul – My current TV addiction is Better Call Saul. What makes particular TV series more enthralling and enticing than others? It think it relates to the “overall package.” Besides great writing, intriguing characters, a fascinating plot line, and excellent filming techniques, the cherry on top of all great TV and amazing movies, is the soundtrack. One of my favorite soundtracks of all time, is from the Colin Hanks’ movie, Orange County. I know that a soundtrack is good, when my mind wavers from an intense, intriguing plotline to say, “Oh, this song is so good. I must remember this song. I might even pause the show right now at this very moment, while this horrendous murder is taking place or when the lover is finally professing his love to the beleaguered heroine, just to write down this song for future reference.” Better Call Saul is filled with forgotten songs that make you remember how much you love them, and it also features interesting new takes on old, beloved songs. The entire soundtrack is 8 hours and 30 minutes on Spotify. I just gave you your background music for Monday’s work hours. You are so welcome!

Have a delightful weekend!!! See you tomorrow!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

It’s Friday . . . Bounce!

Happy friday Jokes

Good morning friends and readers!! The best day of the week has arrived in full form. On Fridays, I don’t blog about anything serious. I don’t dwell on feelings or retell my cache of silly stories (search for my “no-horse-pucky” stories on the blog, if you are in the mood). On “Favorite Things Friday”, I discuss three things, or songs, or books, or apps, or websites, etc. that makes my tactile life a little more fun. Please check out previous Friday posts for more good ideas, and please share your favorites in my Comments section. (You guys tend to be a little stingy with your sharing of favorites. Don’t be afraid to share. There’s enough for everybody. Don’t be like Troye Sivan, who once said, “Sharing is caring, but I don’t care.” Ha!) I will now share my favorites for today:

Memory Foam Slippers – If you want to keep your feet in a perpetual hug, while you bounce around on clouds, get yourself some thick, memory foam slippers. I never knew walking could be so trampoline like, without exerting any effort. My only issue is that I tend to be a little “shuffe-ly” when I walk in mine, but I know how to prance to stop that dance. Kooba and Ultraideas are the brands of my memory foam slippers, but the true secret sauce is the memory foam. They don’t look too bad either. They have a spa-slipper appeal.

Two Favorite Questions That I Came Upon This Week – These are two questions to ask your highest self, and your inner intuition that will give you real insight into decisions to be made, and/or who you want to allow into your life on a regular basis. I hate to get so thought provoking on a Friday, but you can put these in your back pocket for when you have some soul searching to do, or for when you want something to meditate on:

“What do I need to become aware of that I wouldn’t even know to ask about?” – Rob Brezny

“If the phone rang at 11 p.m., do you want it to be that a-hole at the other end?” – Anthony Bourdain, question asked to his crew about a certain Hollywood producer, who they ended up turning down a lucrative deal with, because he didn’t “sit well” with any of them. In short, be choosy who you let into your circle, and certainly be even choosier who you let into your sacred inner circle. Life is too short to be talking to a-holes at 11 p.m. any night of the week.

E. Jean on Substack – If the only reason you ever subscribed to Elle magazine was for E. Jean’s spicy, on-point, evocative advice column, and then you realize that Elle was stupid enough to fire her, cancel your subscription and put your hard-earned cash towards her column moved to Substack. You get the E. Jean Carroll advice column every single day, right in your email’s in-box. I have always adored E. Jean’s writing style and her cocksure confidence. She’s still going strong. You can subscribe here:

Bonus fries: Have a great weekend!! If you just can’t get enough of me (I know, it happens 😉 ) here are links to two of my most popular blog posts, as trending shows, over the years:

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Coolhaus Friday

Hi friends! Happy Weekend! Happy Friday!! Friday is, by far, my favorite day of the week. On Fridays, I am really, really good at leaving my worries at the door. Here on the blog, we call Fridays, “Favorite Things Friday” and I list three favorite things, songs, books, websites, apps, etc. of mine that have helped to make my own life, more FUN. I strongly encourage you to add your favorites to my Comments section. Also, please check out previous Friday posts for more favorites to try.

Today’s favorites:

Straw Bags Summer is almost here and nothing says summer like a cute, eye-catching straw bag. Every year I buy a couple of fresh ones, because unfortunately, straw bags are typically not as durable as leather purses. (I do have a few vintage ones that have definitely withstood the test of time. You can find darling vintage straw bags on Etsy and eBay.) My most favorite straw bags and purses have been made by Monsac, Pulicati and Michael Kors.

Full Circle Green Little Sipper Bottle and Straw Detail Cleaning Brush Set I love this little gadget found on Amazon. These stiff little brushes get into all of the grooves and crevices of water bottles and other dishes. It’s a wonderful tool to clean out any intricate or hard-to-reach places. The best part is that these brushes are kept on a ring and the set is dishwasher safe. So, like my dish brush, I keep this set in my dishwasher at all times, so they are always sanitized and easily located.

Coolhaus Ice Cream I’ve mentioned before that I adore the Fresh Market grocery store. Every week, they offer up a delicious and complete dinner which feeds four people for $25. Each meal has five components to it. It’s a wonderful deal and a great way to try new food products. This week’s deal included a pint of Coolhaus Ice Cream. When you open the tub, the word G.O.A.T. (Greatest of All Time) is printed on the plastic protector label. I thought to myself, “That’s a tad presumptuous.” Then I had a bite of Street Cart Churro Dough ice cream. G.O.A.T. fits it perfectly. This is the best tasting, best textured ice cream that I have ever eaten in my life. If you want to have an extra special dessert, go get yourself some right now.

“Weekends don’t count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless.” – Bill Watterson

Have a wonderful weekend, friends! See you tomorrow. (BTW, I had a lot of readers yesterday. The need to have more fun, seemed to resonate with all of you. Make sure that you have a lot of FUN this weekend!!!)

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Friday Found

Hi readers! The best day of the week has finally arrived! This was a “catch my breath” kind of a week for me. I’m breathing steady again. I hope that you are all breathing steady, too! My regular readers know that Fridays are devoted to the fun and frivolous stuff in life. On Fridays, I’m a material girl living in a material world. I call Fridays, “Favorite Things Friday” here at the blog, and I list three of my favorite books, products, songs, TV shows, experiences, etc. I strongly encourage you to list your favorites as well to help add to all of our shopping lists for the weekend. Without further ado, here are my favorites for this week:

American Leather Company Comfort Sleeper Sofa – We recently converted one of our bedrooms to a nice-sized home office for my husband. We did not want to lose any sleeping room capacity, so we went on a quest to find an actually comfortable, functional and stylish sleeper sofa. This sleeper sofa is revolutionary because it doesn’t have any metal bars or separate mattresses. It is easy to open up and it is unbelievably comfortable. We’ve tried it ourselves! When closed up, it’s a lovely comfortable couch to sit on, and to converse with the man behind the desk. Despite the name of the company (btw, made in the USA, right in Texas), there are many fabrics to chose from besides leather, and the couch comes in all different sizes and styles. If you are going to invest in a good sofa, with the versality of a sleeper sofa, you must check this brand out. American Leather Company has revolutionized sleeper sofas. This ain’t your cousin’s futon bed!

Integrity by Martha Beck – Martha Beck is a wonderful, engaging (often humorous writer) and her latest book, Integrity, is chock full of wisdom and food for thought. The book also includes several practical activities to help you get back to your own “integrity” which Martha defines this way, “Know what you really know, feel what your really feel, say what you really mean, and do what you really want.” If you like the works of Byron Katie (who Ms. Beck quotes a lot in this book) and Anthony DeMello, you will love this book.

Kenberrys Cable Management Box Set – My husband’s gorgeous, handmade reclaimed wood desk was getting lost in distraction by all of the cables coming out of his computer and his monitors. This set, found on Amazon, neatly hides all of the unsightly cables away, so that the focus can remain where it should be – on the gorgeous polished wood rings of the desk, and all of the untold history those rings must hold. We found this wonderful, ingenious set on Amazon.

Friends, have a fabulous weekend! Spend your weekend in integrity: Do what you really want to do! See you tomorrow. Here’s a bonus quote from Integrity by Martha Beck: “Everything that truly makes us happy is limitless and multiplicative, not scarce and divisive.”

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Sweet Friday O’Mine

Hi friends! I am exhausted. This has been a big week in the life of our family, and we have a big weekend ahead of us. Still, I am feeling good. I am feeling a whole lot of pride, and also some comforting relief that everything came together without too many hitches. For my new readers, Fridays are devoted to favorites. On Fridays, aka “Favorite Things Friday“, I list three favorite things or songs or books or websites or apps, etc. that have really added to the surface-y, fun experience of my life. I strongly encourage you to add your favorites to my Comments section. Here are my favorites for this week:

Trader Joe’s Chicken Shawarma Thighs – I mentioned that recently we had gone to a Trader Joe’s after a long hiatus. I found a little bit of heaven in this package of deliciously marinated chicken. The Chicken Shawarma thighs will become a new staple of mine as soon as all of the rumors really become true, and we actually get a Trader Joe’s built closer to us, in the supposedly near future. What does Shawarma taste like? It tastes like chicken. (because it is chicken) No really, it tastes like chicken on explosive, spice, taste steroids (and I mean that in a truly positive sense). Just yummy!

Vitamin Water Zero Sugar Ice Cool Blueberry Lavender – I LOVE vitamin water. It tricks me into drinking a lot of “water”. This particular flavor of Vitamin Water is supposed to give you a hint of “chill”. With iron, a bunch of Vitamin Bs, plus some l-theanine and chamomile, this water is supposed to help you to keep healthy and calm, and it only costs you 10 calories. While all of that nutrition, sure is great, I only learned these facts recently, when I finally read the bottle. I’ve been drinking Vitamin Water Zero Sugar Ice Cool Blueberry Lavender for a while, mostly because it is just so damn tasty and refreshing! Drink and chill out.

Guns N’ Roses – Sweet Child O’ Mine – This is a forever favorite jam of mine. My husband and I belted out this badass ballad yesterday, as we were driving home from a few days of driving all over our beautiful state of Florida. This is a great classic, and an energizing song to bring in any adventure filled weekend. If you haven’t heard it in a while, play it now. You will start head bangin’. And it will feel awesome! Bring back Hair Bands!!!!! Love you, my fellow Eighties kids!! Where do we go now????

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Say Hey It’s Friday

10 Happy Friday Memes To Make You Glad That It's Friday

Hi friends!! TGIF!!! Fridays are devoted to what makes life fun here at Adulting – Second Half . On Fridays, I typically list three favorite things, or songs, or books, or movies, etc. and I kindly ask you to add your favorites to my Comments section. Aren’t we always looking for fun new ideas to make life a little more snazzy and “in-color”?! Yesterday, my husband and I were recuperating from our second Pfizer vaccine shots. Yesterday, my three favorite things were my bed, my ceiling fan, and Advil. But, I do feel incredibly grateful and relieved. I do believe that life is roaring back for all of us!

Here are today’s favorites:

Trader Joe’s Grapefruit Scented Candle – As you know, I recently shopped at a Trader Joe’s after a long hiatus. I’m a candle-aholic, so even though I have 500 scented candles, I just had to put the Grapefruit scented candle into my cart, because the sweet stock person told me that she can’t keep these candles in stock! And I completely understand why! It is incredible. It makes an entire room smell like a crisp, clean, reinvigorating grapefruit orchard. Frankly, it is so good, I was tempted to make a 45 minute trip to our “not so local” Trader Joe’s for another one.

The Sanctuary’s Holy Mist – If you need a boost after exercising or if you are feeling depleted and need to be recharged, buy this wonderful Palo Santo spray to help reset your “energy field”. It smells wonderful, it’s light and refreshing and it serves as a wonderful reminder that you can always press the “reset” button on any day that seems headed into the wrong direction. Holy Mist is a physical representation of “clearing the air.”

Michael Franti & Spearhead’s “Say Hey I Love You” – I LOVE Michael Franti’s music. This song is the perfect way to bring in the weekend. No matter what’s going on, make it your weekend plan to stay upbeat and enjoy! This is your precious life. Enjoy it!!

Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Friday Shenanigans

Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Hi! Welcome to the best day of the week!! Fridays are light and airy here at Adulting – Second Half. On Fridays, I only discuss that tactile, sensory stuff that makes life fun to live! On Favorite Things Friday, I list three favorite products, songs, books, movies, etc. and I strongly encourage you to add your favorite things to my Comments section. I’m a lady who likes a lot of stuff (I’m relatively easy to please, and I’m usually game to try), but even I run out of ideas, having done this “Friday – full of favorites” post for a few years now.

Yesterday, we were about 45 minutes away from our home, in a different town, for one of my daughter’s tennis matches. My husband suggested that we stop off at their Trader Joe’s grocery store after the match, since we don’t have one nearby to us. My son had been going on and on about their Scandinavian Swimmers (Joe’s answer to Swedish fish) and I think that ever since that, my husband has been on a quest to get himself some, too. Now, I haven’t been to Trader Joe’s in years, so I too, was thrilled with the prospect of shopping there. I love novelty, especially in food!

I felt a little excitedly overwhelmed when we entered the store, not wanting to miss out on anything, so I looked up articles on “must buys” at Trader Joe’s. I cannot personally vouch for any of these items, because we just bought them last night and I have not tried any of them yet, but due to rave reviews, here are three things that I made sure were in our cart to buy, and then to try. Please let me know your Trader Joe’s favorites.

Three best sellers at Trader Joe’s which we purchased but I have no description to give because I haven’t tried them yet:

Trader Joe’s Mandarin Orange Chicken (bake and serve)

Trader Joe’s Everything But the Bagel seasoning blend (it’s a spice)

Trader Joe’s Creamy Cauliflower and Jalapeño dip (it’s a dip . . . obviously)

Have a wonderful weekend, friends!! This weekend was a little long in coming, in seems, at least for our household. May health and blessings abound for all of us! I’ll end with some funny Tweets, collected about shopping at Trader Joe’s:

“You think jumping out of an airplane is dangerous? Pfft…try going to Trader Joe’s when you’re starving to death.” – Stacey (Twitter)

“I was so close to fighting someone at Trader Joe’s just now but instead, I bought their snowflake-shaped pasta to calm down.” – Ella (Twitter)

“Trader Joe’s feels like if Jimmy Buffett were a grocery store.” – Sammy Rhodes (Twitter)

“We could go to Trader Joe’s – that’d be fun!” a glimpse into my social life” – Noah Sebastian (Twitter) I totally relate, Noah.

Emotional Support Candy

Movie Love Logo HD Stock Images | Shutterstock

Good morning, friends! Friday is here!! Whoop! Whoop! On Fridays, we don’t discuss anything deep or serious here at Adulting – Second Half. On Fridays, we keep the spirit light and airy and on the surface. On Fridays, I typically list three favorite things, or songs, or books, or TV shows, or movies, etc. and I ask you to add your favorites to my Comments section. Here are my favorites for today:

Favorite Idea: One of my aunts buys a couple of colorful bags of Easter grass and puts clumps of it, in her yard. The birds then take it and make their nests out of it and she ends up with pretty pastel birds’ nests, all around her yard. Just call her Auntie Snow White! Along these lines, I hang little lawn ornaments and such at the bottom of my magnolia tree, and one of the ornaments is an angel made out of sheep’s wool. I noticed lately that the angel’s flaming red hair is all wild and yet, thinning, at the same time. I tame it down and the next day, it’s a mess again. I was blaming the rain and wind for her bad hair days, until I noticed a little bird plucking away at the angel’s hair, probably to make a soft nest. My angel will be bald soon, but I don’t mind and I don’t think that she does either. It’s for a good cause.

Favorite Pickles: Grillo’s Pickles. We get a big tub of them at Costco, every time we go. These are the most fresh, crisp, delicious pickles that you will ever eat! And the great thing about pickles is, that you expend more calories chewing on them, than they cost you, in your daily calorie count. The tub looks huge, but you will go through it quickly, believe me.

Favorite New Magic from M & M’s: M & M’s messages. I love all things M & M’s and I love that they always, always are offering up new ways to be M & Ms. They don’t sit on their laurels, even as good as those laurels are, in the delicious world of candy. Look at these:

M&M'S Messages :15 - YouTube

Some of them even have Spotify play lists that you can scan, like this one:

M&M'S Peanut Butter Candy Messages Sharing Size, 9.6 oz Bag | M&M'S -

Okay friends, you have some stuff to add to your shopping list: Easter grass, Grillo’s pickles and M & M messages! Enjoy your weekend!

Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

On a Lark Friday

Virginia Woolf quote: What a lark! What a plunge!

If you are like me, and not quite as literate a person as you would like to pretend to be, you will find it helpful that I had to look up the meaning of Virginia Woolf’s quote. “What a lark! What a plunge!” are the opening words to Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway. I think that Tarn Wilson describes it best: defines lark as “a merry, carefree adventure; frolic; escapade.” A plunge is “a leap or a dive,” “a headlong or impetuous rush or dash.” Today, take your life less seriously. See your undertakings as playful adventures. Approach them with curiosity, a willingness to learn, and an appreciation of fun.”

Friends, it’s Friday!! Time to plunge into a lark!!! My regular readers know that I try to take a break from overthinking on Fridays. On “Favorite Things Friday“, I typically discuss three favorite things, books, songs, movies, food stuff, etc. of mine and I strongly encourage you to share your favorites in my Comments section. Please see previous Friday posts for more favorites to try and to enjoy.

Today, I am going out on a lark, and instead of listing more of my own favorites, I am going to force you to think about your own favorites. The hobbylark article linked below, asks 100 questions, about your favorite stuff, experiences, people, books, etc. I’ve copied the first two sections from the article to get your juices flowing, but you must click on the full article, in order to get the full list of questions. What better way to add to that wonderful Friday feeling, than pondering your own very special favorites, that make your heart go zing?!? These questions make wonderful conversation starters to get to know anyone better, including yourself. Enjoy and have a wonderful weekend!!

Nature and Travel

  • Favorite color?
  • The coolest natural wonder I’ve ever seen?
  • The most fun road trip I’ve ever taken, where and with whom?
  • The best place I have ever traveled; where I’d spend my whole life if I could?
  • Favorite environmental sound (rain, thunder, etc.)?
  • The prettiest natural landscape I’ve ever seen?
  • My favorite type of wild weather?
  • The most scared I’ve been by a bug or critter?
  • My favorite flower, purchased?
  • My favorite flower or plant, personally grown?
  • My favorite flowers to receive in a delivery?

Food and Drink

  • Favorite meal out, ever?
  • Favorite food I’ve cooked?
  • Favorite food from childhood?
  • Favorite drink on a hot summer day (include event)?
  • Favorite drink on a cold winter night (include event)?
  • Favorite total meal that I cook (list all items)?
  • The best cup of coffee I’ve ever had?
  • The best dessert I’ve ever eaten?
  • Favorite junk food?
  • Favorite pizza toppings?
  • The one “splurge” grocery item I have never yet splurged on?
  • My favorite cooking or kitchen smell?
  • The one food item I can never run out of?
  • Favorite dinner my mom made?

Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.