It’s Friday, Light a Candle

“Friday increases the happiness all around the world by 11%.” – Famous Quotes Daily

That’s just an average. I’m sure that on certain Fridays, that percentage is doubled, maybe even tripled in certain corners of the world. Happy Friday, my dear friends! This is the last Friday of the year of 2018! I hope that you have had a wonderful holiday season and an intriguing, exciting year with an even better year coming, in the future! New readers, I write about three of my favorite things or songs or books or websites, etc. every Friday, keeping Fridays what they should be – a break from all of the seriousness of life. Please look in the archives for other Friday suggestions if you are looking for ways to spend your Christmas money!

I’ve told you before about how much I like scented candles. I like them so much that I once lit our dining room table on fire (see July or August archives). I also like to float lighted coconut shell candles in our pool on special occasions. (you can order those from vendors on Etsy) Anyway, I have a closet full of candles and I love them all, but if I had to pick just three to keep, these brands and scents would have to be it:

Lollia Candles (out of Denver) – these candles come in lovely, colorful, cubed boxes that make them seem almost too pretty to burn. They make wonderful gifts for people and all of their scents are amazing, but if I had to pick one scent, it would be number 88 Velvet as Night. The scent is mysterious, sensual and exotic.

Blue Flame Candles (out of Stuart, Florida) – these candles are strongly scented in fabulous way. If you need to replace a terrible scent with a much better scent, this is your go-to candle. They have scents like I have never smelled before. My favorite of theirs is Golden Patchouli, but they are all very nice.

MVP Group Candles (out of Charleston, SC) – I have only bought this one particular candle of theirs because it has a neat, beachy look to me. The scent is fabulous. It is called Warm Beachwood. The container is a beautiful milky, light blue iridescent glass with an intricate carved, copper lid. I love it lit and unlit!

Feel free to tell me your favorite candles and scents. I can make room in my closet!

“It’s Friday! I haven’t been this excited since my phone got stuck on vibrate.” – Someecards

Friday Farkle

“Happiness is a day.  It’s called Friday.” – UpJourney

Ring the Bell!  An Angel has gotten its wings!!  Friday is the Angel of the Week, right?!?  Happy Friday!!!  One of my babies comes home from college today.  Yay!!  That makes it an extra special Friday!!  Life is good – especially on Fridays!  Readers, I keep it real surface-y on Fridays.  I call it “Favorite Things Friday” and I list three favorite things, websites, songs, beauty products etc. that I just love!  I encourage you to check out previous Fridays for other favorites and please also comment on your favorite things, that have helped make your life extra special.  Without further ado . . . . .

SNL Youtube “Turtleneck” skit with Dane Cook – This skit makes me laugh until I cry.  When we lived up north, I would always make my sons wear those adorable wool Christmas sweaters because they were, well, adorable.  And the boys were miserable!!  We would go to Christmas at my grandparents’ house and my grandparents liked to keep it real balmy, in their house.  Before you knew it, all three boys (daughter not born yet) would itch their sweaters right off and strip down to their undershirts, like they were auditioning for Chippendales.  Anyway, who couldn’t use a laugh at this point in the season??  Check it out. 

Cat Cosmetics Lip Gloss – Rich – Who doesn’t like rich?  Remember Catherine Hickland who played in Knight Rider?  Well, she still looks great and she has this fabulous make-up line!  I have bought this lip gloss for years.  I love the consistency and the fabulous sheen and color.  I’ve tried others and nothing compares.  I keep coming back to it.  It is sort of an iridescent, peachy, pinky shade, but there are all sorts of good shades to choose from.  Catherine also writes a fun blog and does great make-up tutorials.  Check it out.

Ghirardelli Peppermint Bark Collection – Why doesn’t Ghirardelli offer this candy crack all year long? Actually, it’s a good thing that they don’t.  I’d weigh 500 pounds and be severely malnourished.  Eating these chocolates (by the bagful) is perhaps on my list of 5 Top Holiday experiences, every year.  I try other peppermint bark, and it’s good, but nothing compares to this San Francisco sensation.  I mean, I’ll never turn down any peppermint bark, ever, but still this stuff is still the ultimate!  Check it out, but save some for me.

Okay, readers!  Give me 5 minutes to list your favorites.  A lot of us need ideas for last-minute gifts!! (I hope I’m not alone in this.)

“Shake Your Pom Poms – It’s Friday” – SoloQuotes

Cereal Killer

“I just stepped on a corn flake.  Now I’m officially a cereal killer.” –

So, the above quote doesn’t necessarily “speak Friday”, but it’s pretty funny and funny “speaks Friday” in a big way!!  It’s FRIDAY!!!  Happy FRIDAY!!!  As seen on the internet, “Friday is the Welcome Wagon to the Weekend!”  This Friday is a great big old Welcome Wagon to a lot of people who have the holiday week off next week.  Enjoy your weekend! Have safe travels to your destinations and look forward to enjoying delicious food with the people you love this week!  Life is good!

New readers, Fridays we keep it surface level.  I discuss three favorite items/songs/apps, etc. that have worked out great for me.  Every Favorite Things Friday I encourage everyone (I see the stats, people. I know that you are out there!) to share the love and make recommendations of your own.

Here are mine:

Awkward Family Photos Calendar – My husband put this calendar in my stocking last Christmas.  It is hilarious.  I hope to see the 2019 version in my stocking this Christmas (hint, hint).  People send their craziest, funniest, most “what were they thinking??” family photographs to this company and they compile it into a daily, rip-off-the-page calendar.  It’s like the paper version of America’s Funniest Videos. It brings a chuckle to me every morning and makes me realize that everyone has a little kookiness in their lives!

Lifestyle Products Amethyst Crystal Water Bottle – I’m almost embarrassed to put this one on the list, but I do LOVE it!  It is a glass water bottle with a giant amethyst crystal poking through the bottle, so when you fill the bottle with water, the crystal is right in the middle of the water.  Disclaimer, I got mine on clearance because I thought it looked incredibly neat.  I’m pretty sure that I would never have paid full price for it, but I’m so happy to have it.  Some people believe that the amethyst positively “charges” the water.  It looks incredibly intriguing and it does make it easier for me to drink all that water that we are supposed to be drinking every day.  You can get these water bottles with all different kinds of crystals and the bottom holding the crystal screws off, so the bottle part is easy to clean.

Wordscapes – This is my new game/app addiction on my phone.  This is what I do when I am sitting on the couch with my guys while they’re watching sports.  This is also what I do in waiting rooms, standing in lines at the store, at long red lights (but try not to because I know that this is dangerous.  If any of my readers are police officers: I’m so sorry, officer.  It won’t happen again.), before I fall asleep, when I want to stop my mind from racing, and when I am feeling competitive because I am surprisingly, highly ranked in Wordscapes’ regular tournaments.  In short, I play it a lot.  If you like word games and “fill in the blank” type crosswords, this is the game for you.

“I understand what’s it like to work all week and on Friday night just want to go and leave your brain at the door, buy some popcorn and be thrilled by something.“
Don Cheadle

Go be thrilled!!!  It’s Friday!!  Love you, readers!!  Thank you!!!