Date With My Bed

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Happy Friday, friends and readers!!! I don’t know about you, but I worked hard for this Friday – emotionally and physically, but now I am all spiritually happy! I am in my Friday mojo!! New readers, it is all about the stuff and fluff here at Adulting – Second Half on Fridays. Nothing serious is discussed or even contemplated. On Fridays, I list three favorites: things, books, beauty products, music selections, pet products, food/drink etc. Please give us some of your favorites in the Comments Section and please check out my previous Friday posts for more favorites. Here are this week’s favorites:

Start Where You Are: A Journal for Self-Exploration by Meera Lee Patel – My dear friend gifted me this beautiful journal. It looks like it is hand painted. It is full of gorgeously painted famous quotes and then a section with questions, guiding you to how the quote might apply to your life. She bought herself one, too and we were laughing that the only problem with it, is that it is so pretty, we don’t want to ruin it with our own messy handwriting. Check it out and learn about yourself in the process!!

Girl Power Feminine Venus Symbol Earrings – “The two standard sex symbols are the Mars symbol ♂ (often considered to represent a shield and spear) for male and Venus symbol ♀ (often considered to represent a bronze mirror with a handle) for female, derived from astrological symbols, denoting the classical planets Mars and Venus, respectively, and the elements … ” – Wikipedia

I first saw these earrings on Carly Shannon of the TV show, Travelers. She was a total bad ass character, so I think I thought that maybe if I would get and wear these earrings, I would feel more bad ass, too. I also noticed that Dog’s (the bounty hunter) late wife Beth wore them as well, and no one could deny her level of tough.

Anyway, I love these Venus symbol earrings. I got mine on Etsy from a shop in Norway (women are bad ass all over the world). The shop is called MistyAurora. They are the perfect size – big enough to be noticed, but not too big to be considered over-exaggerated. Girl Power!!

Hadaki XBody Bag – I’m fickle. I get bored easily. I like a lot of variety when it comes to my accessories. Still, I have carried the same Hadaki crossbody bag, as my “official dog walking bag” for years now, and it still looks brand new. Keep in mind, I walk my dogs almost every single day, and at least once a day. My particular bag is a brightly colored, laminated cloth bag, with a sturdy nylon strap. It is big enough to carry poop bags, hand sanitizer, bug spray, a small credit card wallet, dog and horse treats, and my phone. The quality of this bag is unparalleled. Hadaki is based in New Orleans, one of the best cities in the United States!

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

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It Can Wait

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Happy FRIDAY!!!! Happy Favorite Things Friday!! Hello, wonderful friends and readers. It’s here. Our favorite day of the week! Here at Adulting – Second Half, we don’t delve into the deep end on Fridays. We keep it light and airy. I list three favorite things, songs, websites, stores, pet products, etc. etc. that make my material life just jam! I strongly wish and encourage that you guys would add some of your favorites in the Comments section. You can never have too many favorites!! For example, I have four favorite kids and two favorite dogs, but I only have one favorite husband. New readers, please check out previous Friday posts for more ideas to add to your list of favorites. Here are this Friday’s Favorites:

Owen Barry purses – I’ve always been a bag lady (a shoe lady first, then a sunglasses lady, but handbags are right up in there, in my list of obsessions! Oh wait, jewelry too . . . . ) Anyway, I think one of the biggest delights of getting older, is really honing in on what you REALLY like. A lot of the experimentation is over and you really know what really works for you and you OWN IT. When it comes to handbags, big, soft, supple leather is what I love in a handbag. I love a leather handbag that is soft like butter and keeps getting softer and softer, the longer that you carry it. I am currently carrying around a wonderful Owen Barry bag, that just makes me happy just thinking about it. It melts into me, when I carry it. Owen Barry is a British company, but many American stores carry the line.

Faux Fur Throws – I love throws. I have baskets of them everywhere. My favorite throw lies on my side of the bed. It is a light brown, thick, luxurious faux mink that alternates between making me feel like I am staying in the Waldorf Astoria in their presidential suite, or I a wild, unruly native in a tee-pee on the set of Dances With Wolves. It all just depends on my mood and my imagination that day. Grandin Road carries a nice collection of these fabulous, over the top, blankets.

Vera Bradley Iconic Campus Backpack – I have always been a proponent of well-made, long-lasting book bags. My daughter is currently carrying this one around in an understated, quilted navy material. It it is holding up very well, despite the fact that she never goes to her locker, so all of the contents of her locker are loaded up into this model every day, which makes it seem like she is carrying around boulders. When my kids were little, I always ordered them Lands End backpacks with their initials embroidered on them. Often, despite being carried by a boisterous pack of rough and tumble little kids, we typically got more than one school year out of them. This Vera Bradley model is the grown-up, sophisticated version of that, for my teenage daughter.

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Joey: You can’t have Thanksgiving without turkey. That’s like Fourth of July without apple pie, or Friday with no two pizzas.
– Friends

Casual Favorite Things Friday

Art speaks for itself, but sometimes the conversation balloon can be helpful.

Hi all! Happy Friday!! Happy Favorite Things Friday!!! It’s been a good, busy, productive week and now it is time to have some fun!!! New readers, Fridays are definitely casual and upbeat here at Adulting- Second Half. On Fridays, I list three favorites – anything from TV shows, to books, to websites, to jewelry, to food stuff, etc. etc. You get the picture. Please add to the list by putting your favorites in the Comments section and please check out all of the previous Friday posts for more fun favorites.

Let’s get this party started!

Jiuhong Stretch Removable Washable Short Dining Chair Protector Cover Slipcovers – Our kitchen chairs are getting a little ratty. We use them every day (like many people, we use our dining room set one time a year at Thanksgiving and also, mostly as a place to set piles of stuff). Anyway, after years of supporting four big, sweaty men and their big, sweaty, hungry friends, and also many spills and mishaps, our chairs might even be refused from Goodwill. However, these incredible slipcovers that I easily put on the chairs yesterday, made my husband and daughter think that we had gotten a whole new set of chairs! They give our breakfast area a whole new modern look and at $35 for six covers, they may be my bargain of the year. I read in the reviews that a lot of people buy these to protect their chairs when their grandkids come over or they are having a big party. Overall, I am more than pleased with this purchase!! You can order them on Amazon and there are many patterns to choose from.

Clays & Birds Twitter Feed – My aunt told me about this wonderful Twitter feed yesterday. On this past 9/11, this feed devoted its site to the brave service dogs and their handlers, who did the very difficult job of search and rescue at the site of the fallen buildings. The big “takes” I got from the stories (besides a complete and utter reminder of why I love and respect dogs, as much as I do), is that dogs get emotionally overwhelmed like we do and oftentimes, these search and rescue dog/people teams are volunteers and are not at all paid for their training and service. Wow! On the first point, the stories talked about the dogs getting so drained and overwhelmed by only finding deceased people, that live firefighters volunteered to be “found” alive by the dogs, to keep the dogs’ morale up. I know that our dogs get very upset when any of our family is emotional. It was such a reminder of the fact that animals have bigger hearts than we often give them credit for having. On the second point, there are websites that you can donate money to these volunteer search and rescue efforts, as they are a very vital and worthy cause. Check the Twitter feed out and have a box of tissues handy.

Military Working Dogs Forever Stamps – My mother always taught me never to settle for the flag stamps at the post office. She always looked through the mailing stamps available and picked the prettiest ones for her correspondences. I have always appreciated that lesson. It was not lost on me, even at a young age, that she meant that on a bigger scale, with all of our little choices that we make throughout the day. For often no upcharge, you can drink your water out of the prettier glass, or your coffee out of the mug that makes you smile, etc. etc. The little details often do matter. Anyway, as a person who loves stationery and always looks at the new stamps available, these have been my favorite stamps to come out all of this year! For the very reasons, discussed above, you can’t help but appreciate the loveliness and dignity of this stamp collection.

Have a great weekend, friends! Thank you, truly, for your support and validation!

From my other favorite Twitter feed (Think Smarter):


That’s Weird

Hi guys! Happy Friday!! The weekend is here! Happy “Favorite Things Friday”! On Fridays, I keep this light and on the material plane. I typically list three favorite items, cleaning products, foods, songs, websites, etc. that just make life a little more life-filled. Please see previous Friday posts for other favorite things and please add your own favorites to the Comments section. Without further ado:

Amkiri Visual Fragrance Tattoos – I bought this wand and stencils temporary tattoo kit for my artistic teenage daughter to have fun with, and to share with her friends. (including me) It is sophisticated enough to be an upgrade from the Crackerjack stick-on tattoos, but nothing you have to commit to for life (or even for a day), like an actual tattoo. (they are pretty easy to remove) My daughter has a blast experimenting with the stencils and her own designs. The ink actually smells divine, to boot. So much fun to be had and worth every penny!! **helpful hint – My daughter says that baby powder and hairspray makes the tattoos last longer.

Bumblebee Tuna Packets – These packets are a fun, easy, healthy way to snack or to grab lunch on the go. The packets even have a built in spoon. There are so many different flavors to try, but we have decided that our family favorite is the Lemon Sesame Ginger variety. At only about a dollar a package, this is a wallop of good healthy protein, at a great price!

OPI Alpaca My Bags – A while ago, I featured my favorite nail polish colors on a Favorite Things Friday post. I have a new color to add to this list. This is a fabulous shade of blue. It is not a garish turquoise or ultra bright sky blue, but more of a grey-blue or a cornflower blue. It adds a sophistication to blue nail polish which is perfect as we head into autumn and the more subdued shades of the season.

Have a great weekend, friends!!!

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Hurricane Hassle

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Happy Friday! Happy Favorite Things Friday!! Readers, things are breezy, easy and sometimes even cheesy, here on Fridays at Adulting – Second Half. On Fridays, I list three favorite things, songs, apps, foods, etc. that I just love and I strongly encourage my readers to add their favorites, in the Comments section. New readers, please feel free to check out previous Friday posts for lots of good favorites to enjoy!

Readers, I hope you all have a fabulous long holiday weekend. As you know, I live in Florida. We are not evacuating. I am staying positive that we won’t be affected greatly and I am praying for my fellow citizens that we will all be safe and unharmed. I have only lived in Florida for about eight years, and already I have come to accept hurricanes as the price we pay, to live in otherwise, such a beautiful, warm, ripe and fascinating state. If I am not posting, just figure that we had a power outage and we are prepared for that. That is the beauty of hurricanes – they give you fair warning of their impending arrival. It’s just annoying because the hurricanes never decide who they are going to visit in person, until seemingly, the very end.

On to today’s favorites:

Spray ‘N Wash Laundry Stain Remover Max with Oxi Action – I live in a family of six active and not particularly graceful people, and two boisterous dogs. We get a lot of stains on our clothes. I have never used a better stain remover in my life. It claims to even remove 7-day dried in stains. I haven’t tested that situation but I believe it to be true. This stuff is the bomb!

Balanced Femme Liquid Herbal Formula – I have mentioned that I have been trying out different natural remedies for dealing with the fun of premenopause/menopause hormonal craziness. The verdict’s still out on this one, but I have found it beneficial enough, to order a second bottle. At the very least, I have noticed no negative side effects. You can order it from Amazon.

No Pull Dog Harness from Zydistro (ebay) – We have two large, young, strong, eager dogs. Our Labrador retriever weighs over 80 pounds and our collie is about 65 pounds. These nylon harnesses are the best we have ever used to walk our dogs with and they are unbelievably inexpensive ($6.99). They are washable nylon, have strong straps and clips, come in all sorts of sizes, colors and patterns, are easy to put on and off and the best part is that they have a strong pull handle on the top of the harnesses, which comes in handy in certain circumstances, like pulling Ralphie (our lab) away from someone who doesn’t necessarily want to have their face licked off. I bought ours at the beginning of the summer. We walk our dogs daily, and the harnesses are still in great shape.

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Oui! Vendredi!

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I’m jealous of people who have distinctively wonderful voices. Morgan Freeman’s voice would definitely make my list of Friday favorites. James Earl Jones and Sam Elliott would probably round out my top three actors with best, most interesting voices.

Happy Friday, readers and friends!! New readers, Fridays are light and airy here at Adulting – Second Half. On “Favorite Things Friday”, in my happiest voice (and non distinctive and a little bit higher than I would like it to be), I list three of my favorite anythings, whether it be books, makeup, songs, products, foods, etc. Please check out previous Friday blog posts for more favorites and please share your own favorites in my Comments section. Okay (clearing my throat), here are today’s favs:

Oui Yogurt – Yoplait outdid themselves with this one. This French-style yogurt is so light and airy and delicious. However, the best part about it, is that it is served in these little, adorable glass jars. I feel like such a sophisticated grown-up eating it! I mix some Cascadian Farms granola in mine every morning, and it is like having dessert for breakfast. Magnifique!! artworks – I just bought a few inexpensive pieces of Canadian Janet Hill’s art from her Etsy store. I love her artwork. It’s just so fanciful and feminine, like being in another perfect time, that doesn’t quite exist, but maybe it does, inside of us? She sells greeting cards, books, and notebooks, too, so you don’t have to buy a print if you don’t have anymore room on your walls. Peruse her art to get you back to your most feminine, glamorous, exquisite self.

Jeff & Aimy UPF 50 Safari Sunhat – The paparazzi photographed Lori Loughlin trying to stay incognito when out shopping this summer, wearing this hat. (or at least something similar to it) Now, I am not going to get into the whole Lori Loughlin scandal – that would take a whole other blog post. I just remember seeing the picture and going, “Wow. I live in Florida. I need that hat.” I bought mine on Amazon. There are all different colors available. It is the perfect soft, fold-able, pack-able, washable sun (and rain) hat, and it actually looks attractive, too. It sort of has a southern belle flair to it, with its wide brim and long flounces and bow in the back, and at the same time, it protects everything on your head, including your hair.

I end Favorite Things Friday with this thought:

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Saucy Friday

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Hi friends! It’s Favorite Things Friday here at Adulting – Second Half! Newbies, there is no sentimental, emotional writing here on Fridays. (although I sometimes do love my things, to tears!) On Fridays, I list usually around three favorite things, songs, makeup, books, websites, foods, etc. that just make my surface life sing! I encourage you to check out previous Friday posts for more of my favorites and I am always thrilled when my readers list some of their own favorites, to share, in the Comments section.

Today, you get gypped. Today I am only listing two of my absolute favorite sauces. You can get both of these at Costco. I just don’t have a third one to add, that I believe is in the same category of “delicious” that I place these sauces. I would drink these sauces. I would eat just about anything, if it were smothered in one of these sauces. Without further ado:

Kirkland Cilantro Lime Crema sauce – This sauce first appeared in a little white cup in Costco’s incredibly delicious street tacos tray. One cup is never enough. Six cups wouldn’t be enough. That is why, due to popular demand, Costco now sells this divine, green culinary delight in bottles, sold in twos. That should last you a week, tops.

Kewpie Creamy Deep Roasted Sesame Dressing & Marinade – This sauce had me at “hello” when I was handed a small sample from the sample lady at Costco. She knew what she was doing. Her quota was met within an hour. Supposedly this sauce was the 2016 Dressing of the Year, in case you missed the awards show.

I would love to have more deliciousness to add to my favorite sauces list. Please sauce me up in the Comments section!!

Enjoy a delicious, saucy weekend!!! Happy Friday!!!

Friday, Praise God

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Yesterday I was grumble-y. So much so, in fact, that in the middle of my ranting, raving, complaining, pissing in the wind, my daughter interrupted my sad soliloquy, with, “Mom, embrace the suck.”

I started laughing. It’s so funny when your kids throw your own words back to you. If you remember a few Favorite Things Friday, back, “Embrace the Suck” was one of my new favorite philosophies, courtesy of The Navy Seals. It was exactly what I needed to hear.

Today I am not grumble-y. I am happy, and joyful. It is a beautiful summer morning. It is Friday. Life is good. Even when you embrace the suck, it is still good!

New readers, on Fridays, I list favorites. It can be favorite websites, plants, books, clothes, miracle creams, etc. I encourage you all to add to the list. Please see previous Fridays for more favorites. It’s okay to enjoy the material side of life. We are meant to experience life fully, and tactically. That is why we have bodies and senses. There are so many delights in life to sample. It’s like a delicious buffet, a blooming bouquet, and an amazing, never-ending amusement park for us to explore, all at once.

Today’s favorites are my favorite inspirational, spiritual songs. These songs are my jam when I want to connect with our Creator in a fun, musical way. There are a lot of them, so I couldn’t narrow them down to three. But these are my very top favorites that never fail to uplift me and to remind me that we are LOVED and we are gloriously interconnected. Here goes, in no particular order:

New World Son’s “Sweet Holy Spirit”

The Beatle’s “Let It Be”

Toby Mac’s “Get Back Up”

Nicole C. Mullen “Everyday People”

Salvador’s “Heaven”

The Black Eyed Peas and Justin Timberlake’s “Where is the Love?”

Wade Imre Morrissette’s “Om Narayana”

Jeremy Camp’s “Here I am to Worship”

Aaron Shust’s “My Savior My God”

Audio Adrenaline’s “Big House”

David Newman’s “Love, Peace Chant”

Scott Underwood’s “Take My Life”

Brandon Heath’s “Give Me Your Eyes”

The Guru Singh Experience “Ong So Hung”

Now go sing your song and have a fabulous, miraculous, awe-inspiring weekend!!!

Favorite Flora Friday

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Hi readers! Happy Friday!!! Happy Favorite Things Friday!! New readers, on Fridays we discuss STUFF – the material parts of life that make living grand. On Friday, I mention three of my favorite things, songs, websites, books, etc. etc. and I ask you to add some of your favorite STUFF in the Comments section. Please check out previous Friday posts (there are a lot of them by now), for more favorites.

I grew up in Pennsylvania. In the summertime, in Pennsylvania, people have flowers galore. It is truly lovely. I spent my thirties in North Carolina. Carolinians enjoy beautiful flowers in the summer time, too, but due to the heat they don’t plant quite as many of them, as the northerners do, in my experience. When I lived in NC, I fell in love with the Crepe Myrtle bushes/trees. Carolinians plant those beauties everywhere! Then in my forties, we moved to Florida. I was shocked to see that people didn’t plant a whole lot of the traditional flowers that I was used to seeing. You see, Florida is just too damn hot in the summer and delicate flowers like impatiens, just wither and fry down to nothing, unless they are connected to a drip, containing gallons of water. And even then, there are no guarantees. However, tropical flowers bask and thrive in the Florida sun and grow at exponential rates, so much so, that soon a machete becomes a much needed gardener’s tool.

Above are pictures of three of my favorite Florida Loving Plants. Here is why:

Bromelaid – I bought one small bromelaid with its gorgeous pink flower, a few years back, to support breast cancer awareness. Well, now we own about 18 of these beauties from that one small plant. These plants put rabbits to shame in the field of reproduction. Their flower is so dramatic, and bursts with color and energy and it blooms for a long time. I love, love, love this plant!!

Musical Note Clerodendrum – This plant is fabulous. It’s blooms are white puffs that look just like musical notes. It constantly blooms as if it is constantly singing. Ours really took off when we planted it in a flower bed, by the small lake that we have out back. It looks delicate, but it can’t help but thrive and bloom and burst with its song, in our tropical environment.

Chenille Plant (red-hot cattail) – I have this plant in a jardiniere (remember that word from last week, friends??) by my front door. It just grows and flows like a little waterfall full of pink, fuzzy caterpillars. It does just fine in hot Florida, although it does require a fair amount of watering. (I sometimes pour a little ice in it, and it seems to appreciate the effort while it withstands the sunshine)

Enjoy your weekend, friends! As always, thank you so much for your support and validation!

The Face of Friday

Then I would love it even more ❤️❤️❤️

I couldn’t resist this one, guys! I am going to see Once Upon a Time . . . in Hollywood tonight and I am looking forward to some great acting! New readers, there is nothing but surface stuff here on Fridays, at Adulting- Second Half. On Fridays, I pick three of my favorite items, foods, songs, books, etc. and I encourage you to share your favorites in my comments section. Please see previous Friday postings for over a year’s worth of my favorites!

Today’s favorites:

The Original Make Up Eraser – This is a miracle cloth. I have sensitive eyes, so most make-up removers tend to burn my eyes or make them swell. This item is just a cloth that you dampen slightly and it removes your eye make-up in an easy couple of swoops. I am shocked that it works as well and as easily as it does. It is sort of like a slightly shaggy washcloth, that can be thrown in the clothes washer to clean it. Love it!

SouthEndGirlArt (etsy) – I bought a small woodblock piece of artwork from this artist’s adorable collection and I adore it. The artist, Tiffanie Seiler suggests that their small size is perfect for closets or other small spaces. I actually keep mine in my car, so that every time that I get into the car, a beautiful, whimsical, spiritual looking woman smiles at me with the word NAMASTE resting beneath her ethereal presence. The artist has actually licensed her whimsical mermaids and little girls and cute animal images and they have been featured at Trader Joe’s and even on a wine label. Pick out your own one-of-a-kind piece at her etsy store!

Jardinière – I took Latin, so I just learned this word last week. It is the French word for gardener, in its feminine form. I bought a wonderful, old, interesting vintage flower pot adorned with two dragon handles from a cool retro store in the artsy end of town, last week. The tag had this word on it and I thought that it referred to the actual artist or maker, but I was wrong. Jardiniere refers to any fancy variety of pottery used to house plants. There are a lot of collectors of Jardiniere in the world, and I just discovered that I am one of them and that I have been one of them for quite some time. There is nothing more delightful than a beautiful flowering plant, housed in a unique, eye-catching pot – the house that the plant deserves and where it will be happy to flourish and bloom. Don’t just settle for generic terra cotta pots – you and your plants deserve more! Jardiniere it, baby!

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