I Know Friday

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Happy Friday!!! Happy Favorite Things Friday!! In case you haven’t noticed, one of my favorite activities during the holiday season, is sleeping in. Late. Readers, Fridays are devoted to Favorites here at Adulting – Second Half. On Fridays, I list three favorite things, activities, beauty products, websites, songs, whatevers and I encourage you to do the same in the Comments section. Please check out previous Friday posts for more favorites to make your life fabulous, fun and fantastic.

Today’s favorites:

Smathers & Branson – This company is known for its needlepoint belts. They also carry needlepoint key fobs and sunglasses holders and wallets and dog collars. The items are pricey, but that is okay, because the items are priceless and top quality and can be personalized with a monogram. I got my husband a belt with our college alma mater on it, and he LOVES it! They are a perfect shop for a man who already has everything.

Awkward Family Photos 2020 Calendar – My husband buys this calendar for me every year, just so that he can hear me laugh every morning, when I rip off the old day and look at the new “photo of the day.” One of my close friends bought me Anne Wilson Schaef’s Pageaday calendar, too. I find Anne Wilson Schaef to be so insightful and inspiring. Go get your Barnes and Noble gift card that you got for Christmas, and go pick out your favorite Pageaday calendar or go to their website for all of their offerings. You are bound to find something that speaks to you there. My friend wants us to write just one thing we are grateful for that day, on the back of each calendar page and put them in a jar. On NYE 2020, we will then have a jar full of gratefulness to reflect on, as we bring in the new year.

Enchant Christmas – Every year, three cities get gifted with an opportunity to visit Enchant Christmas, which is a fabulous light show (thousands of Christmas lights), a walk-thru maze, with a Christmas market, professional carolers, a band, a bar and a winding ice skating rink. We were lucky enough to live near to one of these cities, this year. The event was housed in our baseball arena. Last night, our entire family plus our middle son’s girlfriend, enjoyed ice skating together through twinkly light tunnels, laughing, falling, and honestly, just feeling “simply enchanted.” Don’t miss this opportunity if it comes to your city next.

Well, we’re off to a family beach day. That’s one of my favorite things about living in Florida. I was ice skating last night and beaching it today! I hope you all are having a fabulous holiday season!

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Sausage Friday!

The perfect pack of sausages! Owner Liam Beach lined up the 17 sausage dogs. From top, left to right: Buster, Daisy, Ziggy, Wallie, Zac, Bonnie, Saffie, Duke, Diamond, Ruby, Kizzy Sammy, Kandy, Kiki, Lottie, Benji and Dudley

Happy Friday!!! Happy Favorite Things Friday!! A man in England got his 17 dachshunds to pose for this picture. He also has a Labrador retriever, but that dog would not cooperate. As someone who lives with a big old goofy lab, I understand. This picture just put a smile on my face and a giggle in my heart. New readers, Fridays are fun and fabulous here at Adulting – Second Half. Nothing is taken too seriously here on Fridays. Fridays are only for serious fun. On Fridays, I typically list three favorite household items, beauty products, songs, websites, pet products, etc. that just put the sizzle in my swizzle. I strongly encourage you to mention your own favorites, so that we can keep this economy humming along.

Mandalorian – My husband and I are old-school Star Wars fans. We remember when the first Star Wars came out in theaters (1977, baby!). Truthfully, we were sort of disappointed when Disney bought the Star Wars franchise. However, our college boys insisted that we give the Mandalorian (Disney Plus TV Series) a look, and now, we have surpassed the boys by watching all of the episodes available (and we eagerly await more). One look at Baby Yoda, and you are hooked. Baby Yoda is a cross between an adorable baby, and a precious puppy, even though he is green. (kind of like Baby-Monkey-Puppy, but actually cute) The Mandalorian is fascinating. I keep wondering how I can read the emotions of a metal-helmeted man, whose face is never shown. Give the series a look and may the force be with you!

Orville Peck – Speaking of masked men, check out the music of Orville Peck, which is a pseudonym for a gay, masked country singer, who nobody really knows who the real man is, but that doesn’t really matter. His music, is old-timey, haunting Western style and his voice is mesmerizing. At the beginning of each of his songs, you expect the Lone Ranger to appear in your living room. Fascinating and unique and certainly worth a listen!

McDonalds Star Wars Happy Meal Prizes – Getting back to Star Wars, my regular readers know that I had a Christmas feast with one of my favorite friends this week, which included McDonalds Happy Meals. The prize in the meal was so cool, that my little flower insisted that she was going to hang it on her book bag to show it off. I thought that the prize was so neat that I drove back down to McDonalds and bought these prizes for my big kids at home. (you can buy the prizes separately from the food, $2 each) The Star Wars Happy Meal prizes are keychains, depicting the classic Star Wars characters, with a little button that makes a hologram show up, much like how the Star Wars characters communicate in the movies. These prizes are a big upgrade from Cracker Jack trinkets, I am telling you. They would make for fun stocking stuffers for the kids of all ages, in your lives.

Have a fabulous Friday!! Have a glorious Holiday Week!! I will post every single day during the holidays. I’m here for you, friends!!

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Friday 13

I’m not really in a bad mood at all. It’s Friday, for goodness’ sake! I just thought that the meme was hilarious. The minions will always be a “favorite” of mine. Happy Friday!!! Happy Friday, the 13th!! (extra lucky) Happy Favorite Things Friday! New readers, Fridays are all about the material world. We keep it light and on the surface on Fridays. I typically list three favorite songs, downloads, gift items, gadgets, whatevers and I strongly encourage you to list your favorites, as well. Please check out previous Friday listings for more favorites. Favorites never go out of style. Here are today’s favorites:

Wsky Laptop Cooler – My laptop computer runs really hot. I need an oven mitt to move the laptop to a different location on my desk. This laptop cooling stand is quiet, only comes on when the computer is on, and is unobtrusive. I ordered it on Amazon and I truly believe that it is adding years to the life of my computer. I wish that they would make a person sized one, as it would be a wonderful way, to lay out in the sun. (shhh, I admit that I still do that, but I do wear sunscreen)

Derin Collection Coin Purses – I love small little bags to put all of my little minutia in. My friend once emptied out one of my colossal purses and counted 15 different bags, inside of the bag. (wallets, eyeglass cases, checkbook holders, makeup bags, you get the gist) No exaggeration. Hey, I own my idiosyncrasies. I love bags of every shape, size and color. I just found these Derin coin purses and I am in love. They look like tiny little Persian rugs for your purse. They are wonderful and the bottoms expand to hold all of our lucky pennies. Every purse needs a Persian carpet, right?!

Jillatay Etsy Store – I decided to add to my nativity scene collection this year. I typically like simple nativities that are only one piece (like Mary and baby Jesus) or a few simple pieces. (The larger sets are beautiful, but do not fare well in a chaotic household of six active people and two large dogs with long, wagging tails that tend to take these elaborate nativities out, in one full sweep) Anyway, I found some adorable nativity additions at this store and I fell in love with this ceramic artist’s complete whimsy and spiritually artistic viewpoint. (she makes art from many religious/spiritual/natural viewpoints) Check her site out. Eye candy! See an example below.

Have a great weekend, friends!!!! Happy Friday!!!

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Brilliant! Friday!

If Friday Had A Face Meme

Happy Friday, my brilliant readers and friends!! New readers, today is Favorite Things Friday. On Fridays, I list at least three of my favorite anythings and I strongly encourage you to share your favorites in the Comments section. Also, check out previous Friday posts for other good recommendations to make your life just a little more warm and snuggly . . . which segues me into describing one of my all-time favorites. I love my Poof! black, slinky, cozy, comfortable, comforting, cowl-neck sweater so much, that I bought three of them, so that I can wear one of them practically each and every morning, to take my daughter to school. (not sure how she feels about that, but hey, it’s not my pjs) This sweater just spoons against my body in just the perfect way. I could probably stretch the neck part of the sweater to fit my entire body, just by itself, if I wanted to, but that would make it look a body bag, which would take away from this sweater’s charm. I love it so much, that if I weren’t already married, I’d marry it (them). I’d marry my Poof! sweaters. Sorry, honey.

Okay today’s favorites:

Acupuncture – I made my first ever acupuncture appointment about a month ago, as a last ditch effort to get rid of a months long chronic eye twitch, before succumbing to a neurologist appointment, as suggested by my primary care doctor. A visit to two doctors plus an eye doctor, a bottle of tonic water, two different prescriptions for muscle relaxers, eye drops, eye spray, warm compresses, etc. The list goes on and on, and none of it worked. After just one session of acupuncture, I didn’t have an eye twitch for five hours straight and by three sessions, it was completely gone. I am so impressed and I have decided to make acupuncture part of my regular health regime. My health insurance even covers it, which is wise on their part, because I have cancelled the neurology appointment, which undoubtedly, would have involved expensive and stressful testing.

Prayer Box – I have a tiny little commercially made prayer box, which is very nice, but I just bought a bigger one, recently, at a local arts and crafts fair and I put my other little prayer box inside of that one. (As I have mentioned before, I worry and pray about just about everything.) I like prayer boxes because it forces me to write out what my concerns are, and then it makes me do the physical experience of leaving my troubles with God/Universe and getting on with my day. Plus, every once in a while I clean out my prayer box, and it never fails to amaze me, when I read about all of those things that were bothering me, that they have resolved themselves, sometimes not how I requested them to resolve, but usually in even better and more miraculous ways that my small mind could have imagined. So then, the next time a disturbance comes to my mind, I remind myself that it will resolve itself, like all of the other “problems and perplexities” piled in the prayer box.

Nars VIP Room Essentials Kit – Nars is expensive make-up, no doubt and I always like to try drug store brands first and then work my way up, if necessary. Still, Nars has a few items that I now consider essentials. Nars’ Laguna Bronzer and its Orgasm The Multiple Cheek Stick. (yes, Orgasm especially, is crucial . . . but you already knew that) I bought two of these kits on a crazy good Black Friday online special, but if you want to try the bronzer and the cheek stick, there are minis of these included in the kit, which also has lip crayons and Nars’ wonderful mascara. I think that this kit is even worth its regular price.

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In Your Favor Friday

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Happy Friday!!! Happy Favorite Things Friday!!! Happy Black Friday!! As I mentioned last year, as much as I love shopping (as an aside, when I was showing my son’s girlfriend something in my closet yesterday, she looked around it wide-eyed and said, “Shoe Goals.” – I do love my shoes!), I don’t do Black Friday shopping. I just don’t do crowds very well. The great thing that I noticed last night, while shutting down my computer (I’m highly distractible) is that the retailers are expanding Black Friday to a great on-line presence comparable to Cyber Monday, so I did make a couple orders here and there. I would love to hear what some of you scored today, in the Comments section (and hopefully no physical harm came to you, while making your amazing purchases)

New readers, Fridays are never serious here at Adulting – Second Half. On Fridays, I discuss three favorite things, ideas, websites, songs, etc. that make material life a lot of fun. Please see previous Fridays for other favorites and please always be prone to sharing your own favorites in the Comments section.

Since I cannot compete with Black Friday and the amazing products just waiting to be gobbled up, I have limited my favorites today, to the three best bumper stickers that I have noticed lately on other cars, which have been particularly apropos while my youngest child, and only daughter, continues to learn how to drive. Remember, everyone else on the road is NOT just an ass driving a car and double parking in over-crowded parking lots, they are also someone’s beloved partner, spouse, child, sibling, grandparent, parent, teacher, etc. etc. etc. Let’s make a point of keeping everyone safe during this highly distractible time of year.

Best bumper stickers (driving rules simplified):

Use Ya Blinkah!

Don’t Be a Bumper Humper

Dick Likes to Text and Drive, Don’t Be a Dick

And a reminder to passengers:

Driver Picks Music, Shotgun Shuts Cakehole

Have a great, fun, pleasantly exhausting Friday!! Ending with some inspiring quotes from the Hunger Games:

“This is no place for a girl on fire”
Katniss Everdeen

“I am not pretty. I am not beautiful. I am as radiant as the sun.”
Katniss Everdeen

It’s Friday, You Turkey!

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Happy Friday, my dear readers!!!! It is not only Friday, it is Favorite Things Friday!!! Can I get a “Gobble, Gobble?!?” Friends, we don’t get into the depths on Friday here at Adulting – Second Half. On Fridays, I typically list three favorite songs, books, products, websites, apps, etc. and I encourage you to add your favorites to the Comments section. This will be particularly helpful, as we all will be doing our Christmas shopping in the next few weeks. Please check out previous Friday posts for more goodies. Without further ado, here are today’s favorites:

mint&lily Remember Who You Are Cuff bracelet – I ordered one of these for my daughter and it arrived over the weekend. She loves it and I love it! It is very nice quality. Inside the cuff are the engraved words: “Whenever you feel overwhelmed . . . remember whose daughter you are and straighten your crown” My daughter wore it yesterday, when she had to take five exams. I like to think that it helped calm her anxiety a bit, and at the very least, she knows that I am with her, always.

Gemmy Industries Animated Baby Goat – Every year I add to our collection of cheesy animated Christmas trinkets. We have a hound dog that sings “I’ll Have a Blue Christmas”, a naughty, flirty, French mistletoe man and a Christmas Tree that shakes and whirls like nobody’s business. This year might be our best addition yet. This little guy wears cute pjs, a Santa hat with a matching scarf, and is a “live” version of the screaming goats that are very popular on social media. He appropriate sings “Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire“, while intermittently screaming. My dogs can’t stand him, but I am not even close to being sick of him, yet. I hope that his batteries have lasting power.

Honey app – This app really appeals to the lazy in me. They call it the “smart, shopping assistant.” Honey, when you are shopping on-line, you no longer have to look for promo codes. This app will add every appropriate promo code that it can find, to your order before you check out. It’s already saved me quite a bit of money, honey. (and I have tested it, by looking up promo codes first to see if the app will find it. It has, so far!)

Enjoy a nice weekend!!! I’m so thankful for all of your support!! xo

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The First Five Days

Haha...couldn't have said it better.

But Friday is the easiest of those five days!!! Happy Friday!! Happy Favorite Things Friday!! New readers, it’s always casual Friday here at Adulting – Second Half. We stay in the shallow end on Fridays. I refuse to enter the inner depths of my indoor mind pool, on Friday. On Friday, I typically list three favorite things, websites, products, foods, songs, etc. and I encourage you to list your favorites in my Comments section.

I typically think of a favorite thing during the week, when I am using something, perusing somewhere, or snoozing, in my bed. Then, I write those inspirations on my calendar to remind me to share them with you, my beloved readers. Unfortunately, this is one of those weeks where I got “away from myself” and my normal routine. So, I have nothing to jog my memory to what to share with you. I decided I will write a list of some of my favorite things to do, to inspire you to write your own list of why life can be so satisfying. It really is the small things, sometimes, that add up to a good life.

A Sampling List of Some of My Favorite Things to Do:

Long, rambling, funny meals and conversations with my family and my friends.

Long, rambling walks with my husband and my dogs.

Cuddling with my husband in bed . . . . and other things.

Listening to my kids when they are in “excited, chatter mode” (even my adult kids still get this way, sometimes).



Getting really lost in a really good book or movie or TV series.

Discussing “what” I got lost in, from a really good book, movie, or TV series.

Watching SNL videos of skits, while doing stretches and planks. (I honestly just really like the SNL skit part)

Kissing my dogs on top of their heads. (I leave lipstick marks on our yellow lab)

Cuddling with my collie. She is such a cuddle bug! (Giant Pomeranian lap dog)

Crossing things off of my to-do list.

Making people laugh and feeling clever about it.

Trying out a new place, restaurant, shop, trail, skill, modality, amusement etc.

Taking the time for putting together a really cool outfit.

Driving aimlessly with the convertible top down, and the music blaring.

Doing and witnessing random acts of kindness.

Really connecting with someone and feeling like you have helped them reach a new insight that they were struggling to reach.

Flipping aimless through magazines and ripping out the pages that move me.

Laughing hard, loud and obnoxiously, from complete hilarity.

These are just a few things that popped right into my head, when I focused on the thought of “some of my favorite things to do.” It took me all of seven minutes to write down. Write your own list. Right now. It’s an uplifting thing to do. You’ll be happy that you did it. (I think that “bossing people around” might be one of my favorite things to do, but I’m not going to own that one. 😉 ) Have a great weekend!!!

40 Encouraging Quotes & Words Of Encouragement To Get You Through The Hardest Times In Life | YourTango

Cigam Era Skoob

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Hello my favorite readers in the world!!! Thank you so much for supporting me and my blog. I appreciate you so much! New readers, Fridays are really light here at Adulting – Second Half. We keep it surface level on Fridays. On Friday, I list three favorite products, services, books, songs, websites, ideas, etc. and I encourage you to add your favorites to the Comments section. Please check out previous Friday posts for more favorites. Here are today’s favorites:

Books Are Magic merch – I am very excited to get my black Books Are Magic t-shirt, scheduled to arrive any day now. Books Are Magic is an old-fashioned, awesome, “hope that this type of store, never ever goes away”, book store in Brooklyn. They sell all kinds of merchandise, such as mugs, key chains, pennants with the fact, “Books Are Magic” printed on them. My favorite quirky item is a t-shirt for kids. It says “Cigam Era Skoob”. (Despite my many years of studying Latin, I had to look that one up. It’s “Books are Magic” spelled backwards. I know . . . Duh! Back then, anyone could take Latin.)

Joy For All Pets – Despite having living, breathing versions, I want one of these pets. (or maybe even two) These interactive, high tech stuffed animals were designed by Hasbro to give seniors a pet to love, without the mess, fuss, and expense, of a real pet. They are about as life-like as you can get in a machine, and they have brought comfort to seniors, all around the world. I have also have seen videos where people have purchased Joy for All pets for children who can’t have live pets due to allergies and housing restrictions, etc. This is like West World, without the creepiness. Just love . . . and joy for all.

Angry Orange Odor Eliminator – “Smells Like Heaven, Works Like Hell” is printed on this concentrate’s bottle. I like this stuff so much, that this may be a repeat, on my Friday Favorites. If you have a nasty smell somewhere that just won’t go away, this is what you need. I have never experienced a better bad odor eliminator, in my life. I order mine on Amazon and a little goes a LONG way.

That’s it for today! Have a wonderful, three day weekend!!! Books are magic! Life is magic!

Very Worky

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Happy Friday!!!! Happy Favorite Things Friday!!! New readers, we keep it light and sugary here at Adulting – Second Half on Fridays. On Fridays, we discuss the material stuff of life and what makes our hearts sing the most, when it comes to the material plane. Typically I list three of my favorite things, cosmetics, songs, websites, pet products, etc. I strongly encourage you to add any of your favorites to the Comments section. You do not have to stick with the theme. Variety is the spice of life. Please also check out previous Friday posts for more favorites.

So, what did you raid out of your kids’ candy bag this morning? America’s top three favorite candy bars are Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Snickers and M and M’s. I am one of those weird people who does not like Snickers. I would put Twix in place of Snickers any day.

To put a new twist on Favorite Things Friday, I’ve decided to list the ten worst Halloween candy, according to a poll of more than 30,000 Americans. Here is the list of the 10 worst Halloween candies:

  1. Candy Corn
  2. Circus Peanuts
  3. Mary Janes
  4. Wax Coke Bottles
  5. Necco Wafers
  6. Tootsie Rolls
  7. Smarties
  8. Licorice
  9. Good & Plenty
  10. Bit-O-Honey

So, the candy on the above list, is the stuff that we’ll be eating right before Thanksgiving, when all of the other good stuff is gone. Waste not, want not, right???

Have a great Friday friends! Enjoy your sugar high!! Enjoy your weekend!!

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Keeping It Casual

Meredith’s Casual Friday Outfit

Happy Friday! Happy Favorite Things Friday!!! New readers, I don’t get deep and reflective on Fridays. On Fridays, I keep it light and airy and I typically list about three favorite things, songs, books, websites, ideas, etc. that keep my life humming. I ask you to list your favorites in the Comments sections, because favorites are fun!! Fridays are fun!!! Please see previous Friday posts for more favorites. Here are today’s favorites:

Dove Lavender and Coconut Milk Whipped Body Cream – This product is one of Allure Magazine’s Beauty Best Buys. The way to my heart is through my smeller. (“The nose . . . it always knows.” – Toucan Sam) This concoction is amazingly good smelling and very emollient, which is key because I hate to break it to you, but Winter is Coming!

Bath and Body Works Brown Sugar & Fig Fine Fragrance Mist – Someone told me that fig perfume is very alluring. Despite having a shelf full of perfume, I couldn’t resist just one more. I started out cheap and figured that I could work my way up. Well, I don’t have to because the first day that I wore this scent, I received a compliment on it. Cha-ching! This is a lovely, light, fall feeling scent and it won’t break the bank.

CurlyGirlDesign.com – These cocktail napkins are one of the many products available on this wonderful, inspiring, fun and empowering gift boutique website. My book club friend gifted me these napkins, perhaps a decade ago and I have never used them, because I love them so much. It means so much to me that she “knew my heart.” When you give one of your friends a gift from this website, she will feel the same connection and care.

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