I Vote for Friday

it's friday quotes with pictures | Thank God Its Friday Quotes Funny

Hi Friends! My regular readers know that I keep Fridays on the light side. On Fridays, here at Adulting – Second Half. I typically list three favorites of mine in “the material world” like products, foods, songs, movies, etc. I strongly encourage you to add your favorites, in my Comments section. Please also check out my previous Friday posts for more favorites. A little dose of a favorite something or other, is sure to cheer anyone up during this somewhat stressful and suspenseful week. Here are my favorites for today:

Tully and Young Adult – I think that Charlize Theron is a brilliant actress. These two movies are more obscure than some of her more blockbuster films. Still, I have seen each movie more than once and I get a little bit more from them, each time I have seen them. If you are looking for something a little off the beaten path for viewing pleasure, I highly recommend both of these films.

OPI’s In The Cable Car-Pool Lane nail polish (where do they come up with these names?!) This nail polish shade is the perfect fall purple. It is a beautiful plum shade, that’s not too bright, yet not too dark. It complements other fall colors like oranges and dark greens, just perfectly! Rarely, do I use the same color twice in a row with fresh pedicures, but this nail polish is worthy of “twice in a row” status.

The Last Kingdom – Our eldest son turned us on to this Netflix show. Imagine Game of Thrones without dragons. This historical fiction piece, about the early years of a developing England, is a very interesting and enthralling watch. As with all of these types of shows with castles and warriors, expect some gruesome violence, but still, the story line is fascinating. This show keeps you easily intrigued and willing to stay up an extra hour to watch “just one more episode.”

Keep the faith, this weekend, friends! Believe in the best of yourself, believe in the best of your families, your friends and your neighbors, and believe that loving beyond imagine, everlasting Powers, far, far greater powers than any one political office, have all of us, loved and cared for, on a much higher plane than we can see, from our limited and clouded viewpoints. There is a Master Plan. And it is a Good One.

“Somewhere inside of all of us is the power to change the world.” – Roald Dahl

“The most important office, and the one which all of us can and should fill, is that of private citizen.” – Louis Brandeis

Faking Adulthood Friday

Hi friends!! It’s Friday!! It’s Favorite Things Friday here at Adulting – Second Half. On Fridays, I forget about going deep. I leave “thought provoking” for the other days of the week. On Fridays, I typically list three favorite things or songs or books or food stuff that I particularly like. I ask you, my dear friends and readers, to share any of your special favorites in my Comments section. Focusing on favorite things is a great way to go into the weekend feeling good!

Here are my favorites for today:

Chick-Fil-A macaroni and cheese – This might be the best macaroni and cheese that I have ever eaten. Thinking that I was buying a large bowl of it the other day, we somehow ended up with a catering tray of it (subconscious “mistake” perhaps?), for just the three of us, at home. No one complained, and the whole tray of it only lasted us a few days. Just when you thought Chick-Fil-A couldn’t get any better, they perfected this delicacy. Eat more chicken (and eat more macaroni).

Delizza Patisserie Belgian Mini Cream Puffs – These cream puffs are divine. They have magnetic pull, they are that good. I haven’t purchased them in a while, and then my daughter talked me into buying them again, at Costco, the other day. I realize now why I try not to buy them, and bring them into the house. I just can’t leave them alone. The cream puffs are available in smaller sized boxes at Target. The cream inside of them is this achingly delicious concoction of just the perfect amount of sweet, sandwiched in flaky, tasty dough.

Philips Sonicare Rechargeable Toothbrushes – When you eat a lot of cream puffs, you need a good tooth brush. My son has been using his Sonicare toothbrush for about a year now and he has always raved about it. My husband and I finally broke down and bought ourselves each a Sonicare toothbrush and I am definitely hooked. It feels like I am polishing my teeth with a dentist’s tool. My teeth definitely feel incredibly clean after brushing. (Hint – don’t turn on the toothbrush until it is in your mouth. It took me a couple of times to get this straight and I ended up with gobs of toothpaste in my sink and on my shirt.)

Have a great weekend, my friends! See you tomorrow.

Friday Loads

Friday, viernes

Hi friends! Happy Friday!!! Happy Favorite Things Friday!!!! New friends, Fridays are light and breezy. We keep it on the surface here at Adulting – Second Half, on Fridays. On Fridays, I typically list three favorite books, songs, products, food stuff, etc. that just makes life a little bit more fun, and I strongly encourage you to tell us about your favorites in my Comments section. Please see previous Friday listings for more good stuff. With the holidays around the corner, we need good ideas for gifts and pleasures. On that note, my friend who is a grandmother, just got her Amazon Prime Wish book in the mail. Her granddaughter can put stickers (that are included with the wish book) on the toys that she would like Santa (and her doting grandparents) to bring her. I love this “blast from the past”! Remember those days of drawing circles and stars on the toy catalogs?!

Today’s favorites (mine):

Medisafe app – As you know, our youngest son is epileptic and it is crucial that he takes his medicine regularly and around the same times, each day. (and keep in mind that he is a 19-year old fraternity boy . . . yeah) This app for his phone has made a world of difference for making sure that he takes his meds on time, and that he is not confused about having taken them or not, because of the way it reminds him with friendly, repeating messages and alarms. (It’s like me, his mom, in app form) It also requires him to check off that he did, indeed, take his meds. It has been a game changer in his medicine management which gives all of us great peace of mind. If you or your loved ones have medications which are needed to be taken regularly, check out this free app for your phone. It can literally be a lifesaver.

Snyders Pretzel Rounds – I am a total sucker for the next new thing. These pretzels are about the size of marbles. They are adorable. They don’t taste any different, but they are damn cute. I think big crusty pretzels can be messy and crumbly to eat. These Rounds eliminate that element of pretzel chomping. They also look adorable in a bowl. It’s a safe way to try something “new” to snack on. Don’t get yourself in a twist to enjoy some pretzel fun. (not everyone agrees though – my husband calls them “dust balls”)

Theorie Pure Professional Volumizing Shampoo and Conditioner – According to every hair stylist I have ever gone to, I have a lot of hair, however, it’s a lot of very thin-stranded hair. I am always trying to get more volume in my hair. This shampoo and conditioner has given me more success than the myriad of other brands which I have tried, without much success. This is my holy grail shampoo and conditioner, to get my Marge Simpson bouffant rocking.


Friday vibes I hope you have a replacing and restful weekend! repost from my girl @jasminehemsley But really as a business owner are you ever "out"/finished on Friday? #workontheweekends...

Imagine Friday

Julian Lennon Eddie Van Halen
From left: Paul Natkin/Getty Images; Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images

The picture above is Julian Lennon superimposed with Eddie Van Halen. Today would have been John Lennon’s 80th birthday and sadly, we lost a musical great this week, with the death of Eddie Van Halen. My friend mentioned that Eddie Van Halen never learned to read sheet music. If that isn’t proof of innate born purpose/genius/spiritual passion, I don’t know what is!

Happy Friday, my friends!! We made it to the weekend! On Fridays, we keep it light on the blog. I call it Favorite Things Friday, here at Adulting – Second Half. On Fridays, I list three favorite things, songs, beauty products, food items, etc. and I strongly encourage my readers to add your favorites to my Comments section. Here are my favorites for today:

Olive & Cocoa – If you are looking for an alternative from sending a standard flower arrangement, go to this website. This adorable company has a wide variety of flowers, food stuff, gift-y items that really are unique and lovely and more personalized than what you typically find from this genre of store. This is one catalog, which when I receive in the mail that I am actually happy to get, and to peruse its pages. Most of the items are sent to people, in these adorable little wooden crates that just make the whole gift seem that much more special to open.

Tagua Nut Jewelry – Tagua nuts are often referred to as vegetable ivory. They come from the seeds of certain palm trees. I recently purchased a tagua nut bracelet that has been dyed the most fabulous shade of aqua. (the dye inks seem to just seep right into this material) The jewelry made from tagua tends to be big and chunky and colorful and makes for the perfect statement piece of what could otherwise be a bland or plain outfit.

Putumayo Presents Paris Cafe CD – For those of you who are old-fashioned and tactile like me, go to the putumayo.com website and buy this CD that I was bragging about earlier this week. If you have more modern tastes, Putumayo also has playlists that you can stream on Apple Music or Spotify, which are also found on their website. The website also sells colorful, unique greeting cards and children’s books from all over the world. I highly recommend spending some time on their website. They know their stuff!!! And it’s the good stuff!

Have a happy weekend, my dear friends and readers!!! I am so grateful for you!!

Happy Quotes John Lennon | Inspiration Boost

Oversized Friday

50 Best 'Friday Quotes' to Kickstart A Happy Weekend — TGIF!

Hi friends! Welcome to Favorite Things Friday!! On Fridays, I keep it on the surface level here at Adulting – Second Half. On Friday, I typically list three favorite things, places, foods, songs, etc. and I strongly encourage you to add your favorites to our Comments section. Friends, I don’t have three things today. I am at a loss. Without getting out as much as I used to, I have a hard time coming up with three new favorites every week. This week I have one BIG favorite. I don’t plan on buying one (much to my daughter’s chagrin), but I am thrilled that Home Depot has added such a fun member to its Halloween collection, at a time when all of us could use more lightness and fun and happiness! Several people in our neck of the woods, already have these guys on display in their yards. Today’s favorite:

Friends, this is Home Depot’s 12 foot Giant-Sized Skeleton with Life Eyes. Isn’t he grand!! (literally and figuratively) Whatever it takes to have fun this year, do it!! Have a great, fun, silly, oversized weekend!!!

Good Weekend Quotes - Parryz.com

Who Was that Masked Friday?


The above meme is literally “official information” from the CDC. I’m not convinced that they meant for it to be funny. Happy Friday, friends!! Happy Favorite Things Friday! On Fridays, I stay on the material plane of life, and I list three favorite things, movies, TV shows, songs, food stuff, beauty products, etc. that have made my life fun. I strongly encourage you to list your favorites in my Comments section and please see previous Friday listings for more favorites. Here are today’s favorites:

The Gardener – My friend recommended this film and it was so enjoyable to watch. This is a documentary of sorts, based on the true life of a very wealthy man, Francis Cabot, who devoted most of his life to creating his own fabulous garden and also to support the preservation of other amazing gardens, all over the world. The movie is peaceful. It’s like watching a beautiful meditation. It slows you down enough to make your recognize the true miracles of the natural world. This is one of the most pleasant viewing experiences I have had in quite a while. It is beautiful, calming and comforting, which are rare qualities in films these days.

CoolCabanas – One of my closest friends has to be a mermaid. She loves the beach like no one I know. Any time that she isn’t working, she is at the beach. We had a beach meet up the other night, and she, of course, was the first one to get there, texting us a picture of our “set up”. She had a beautiful CoolCabana tent which kept us shaded and socially distanced, perfectly. My friend was able to put up her CoolCabana easily all by herself (which is the purpose of the invention) and it is the sand which keeps the four corners of the tent firmly rooted in place. If you are planning to be at the beach any time soon, go to this website and check out these wonderful shelters: coolcabanas.com

Motherland Essentials Lotion Bars – Earlier this year, my best friends from college and I, took a weekend reunion trip together to the ever lovely, Charleston, SC. (before all of this Covid mess). We came across these Motherland Essentials products in a really cute, little, girly gift shop. As you know, I am all about good smelling stuff. These lotion sticks smell divine!! I layer my other perfumes on top of these scents and I believe that it makes my perfume last longer. These lotion bars are like aromatherapy in a stick. Motherland Essentials is a minority owned business, as well. Please see their website here: www.motherlandessentials.com

I didn’t do it intentionally, but I just noticed that all of today’s favorites came from my friendships. Friends will always be my favorite. Friends and Friday are the best f-words, ever invented.

Happy Friday Quotes | Good Morning Friday Messages & Wishes

Rocking It Friday

Happy Friday

Good morning, friends and readers!! I was reading another blog the other day and I noticed that the blogger called her readers, “my wonderfuls”! I like that. I think that I am going to borrow that. Happy Friday, my wonderfuls!!! I had another good thought, earlier in the week, as I was gazing at my sagging jowls in the mirror. I thought to myself what is a inexpensive, non-intrusive way to cover up my middle-aged droopy jowls? I figured it out. On good days, smile, and on bad days, stay masked up. See, masks aren’t all bad. New readers, on Fridays, I don’t try to figure out any deep thoughts. I stay on the surface on Fridays to give me and you a break from my overthinking/overwriting about, just about everything. On Fridays, I list three favorite things, songs, apps, websites, food stuff, etc. and I strongly encourage you to list your favorites in my Comments section. Fridays are called Favorite Things Friday, here at Adulting – Second Half. Please check out my previous Friday posts for more favorites to enjoy. Here are my favorites for today:

Putta Tea – I discovered this tea on the Clearance shelf at my local grocery store. Now I know that a lot of people think, “There’s a reason why things are on clearance. Nobody wants them.” But, I disagree. It is more like “Nobody wants them AT THAT PRICE.” Further, sometimes things just need to be highlighted, and that is how I found this most delicious tea. I always check out the clearance rack and that is where I have found some of my most favorite things, Putta Tea being one of them. I have never tasted a more fragrant, delicious, unusual tea from tea bags, in my lifetime. Another plus, is that the boxes in which the tea comes in, are absolutely artistic and gorgeous. So far, I have tried Putta’s “Relax” and Putta’s “Tulsi Clarity” and both were fabulous. I saw that Amazon sells a variety pack of many other Putta Tea flavors. Enjoy! My British friends and family say that a cup of tea fixes everything.

Convertible Mask Chains – Fortunately, I am not one who needs to do much in public, so I have limited mask wearing time, but for those of you who have to wear masks frequently, I saw that they are now selling mask chains (similar to chains that hold your glasses around your neck). This seems like a much more sanitary way to carry around a mask, versus digging through your purse, praying that you still have a clean mask somewhere in there. I saw some pretty mask chains on Stephanie Wolf’s website. (https://stefaniewolf.com/collections/facemasks-and-headbands) And this website has a nice gold one: https://www.camillejewelry.com/products/convertible-oval-chain-necklace-for-masks

What makes the chains convertible is that they turn into necklaces when you don’t need a mask any longer, which hopefully, will be sooner than later. (On that note, I got my Barnes and Noble Desk Diary 2021 calendar delivered yesterday, this calendar being a longtime favorite of mine forever and ever, due to its sturdy, hard cover, big calendar squares and weekly pages. I have kept all of mine on a shelf, dating back to 2008, and you’d be surprised how handy it is to look information up, like when you had health care, or house work done, with phone numbers to boot, when I can read my own handwriting. Anyway, getting the calendar yesterday was exhilarating, like “Hope in a Box!”)

Nancy Meyers Kitchen playlist – I don’t have Spotify, but I have read about how great that this music play list is, more than once, so I just started playing some of the songs from the list, and it is wonderful!! This playlist has songs like La Vien Rose by Louis Armstrong., I’ve Got a Crush on You by Steve Tyrell and I Only Have Eyes for You by The Flamingos. Seriously, this is perfect, soothing background music, for almost any activity. If you have Spotify, start playing this now, you won’t be disappointed!

I’ve mentioned before that I cut out things out of magazines that are inspirational to me, and I tape them to the inside of my calendar covers to look at, here and again, to get rejuvenated and inspired. I saved this cutting from REAL SIMPLE magazine and it is going to get taped into my new 2021 calendar right after I publish my blog post. Have a wonderful weekend, my wonderfuls!!!!

I can’t wait to say, “Bye-bye 2020, don’t let the door hitcha on your way out!!

Pink Perfect Friday

154 Best Friday images in 2020 | Its friday quotes, Friday humor, Funny  quotes

Hi friends!!! HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! Happy Favorite Things Friday! On Friday, I stay at the surface. There’s nothing serious about Fridays, except for fun. On Fridays, I list three favorite things, songs, books, websites, videos, health products, etc. of mine, and I strongly encourage my readers to list some of your favorites in the Comments section. Please check out previous Friday listings for more fabulous, fun, fantastic things to enjoy on your flashy, and fearless Friday!

The video below is my first favorite. I just adore this little girl. I can completely empathize and commiserate with her. My friend sent this adorably cute clip to our text chat earlier this week and I was cry-laughing, while watching it. When I was in kindergarten, someone stole my Little Bo Peep birthday hat, at a birthday party and I got stuck with the Humpty Dumpty one. I can still feel the outrage and the injustice of it all. (and you are saying, Wow, this lady sure knows how to hold a grudge!) Apparently, I had one of the biggest temper tantrums of my life at that party. Here’s the video:

Blue Diamond Wasabi Soy Almonds – Oh my, are these yummies yummy!! It’s a standing joke in my house, when my kids look dubious about what I am cooking, and they ask “So, what’s for dinner?”, I always answer, pertly, calmly, succinctly and definitively, with one word, “Yum.” We have “Yum” almost every single night. These almonds are really and truly Yum. No they are YUM (in caps, they are that good.) I know that it is gross and terribly poor manners to lick your fingers (doubly so during a pandemic), but I still sneak and lick my fingers after eating these almonds, when I am sure that no one is looking. Yum. Yum. Yum.

Neutrogena Hydro Boost products – Walgreens is one the few stores that I still go into regularly these days. Sometimes I just wander around it aimlessly for lack of anything better to do, until I get spooked by anyone coughing. These Neutrogena brand skincare products were under a BOGO promotion there a few weeks ago, so I went all in. And I am so happy that I did! I like all of the products in this line, but I am particularly enamored with the Bright Boost Resurfacing Micro Polish. I keep the tube of it in my shower and I exfoliate my facial skin while showering, being the multi-tasker that most of us women are, in this world. The product is not harsh but pretty effective. I like the simplicity and the reasonableness in price of the Neutrogena line.

Have a great weekend!!!!

dopl3r.com - Memes - Admit it! We all had a pencil like this in our school  time

Merry Friday!!!


Happy Friday!! Happy Favorite Things Friday!! Happy Holidays! HA! New readers, on Fridays, I am not serious. On Fridays, I keep it on the surface, in the material world. Fridays are called “Favorite Things Friday” here at Adulting- Second Half and that is when I list three favorite songs, books, products, whatevers that I have enjoyed experiencing in my life. I strongly request that you add more to the Favorites, in my Comments. This year, sometimes it is best to keep it all on the surface, as much as you can. The deep waters run really deep this year. Today, it’s Friday, so let’s just float! Floaty Friday! Remember, too, to check out previous Friday blogs to see more favorites.

My regular readers know that my family has three dogs. We have Ralphie, the Labrador, Josie, the rough collie, and Trip, the Boykin spaniel puppy. It has taken me a while to find just the right kibble food for our fur friends. I did research online, I asked friends for suggestions, and I checked in with my vet. For at least a year, I have been feeding a mix of three dog foods that miraculously, all three dogs like to eat. All of our dogs have healthy skin and fur and none of them are overweight. I can order all three of these bagged kibble foods on Amazon, and I can have them delivered right to my door, which is a total back saver. Here is my magic mix of my three favorite dog foods (and of course, I often add in some cheese or broth or chicken or salmon, on occasion).

Hill’s Science Diet Dry Dog Food, Adult, Sensitive Stomach & Skin Recipes – This one boasts prebiotic fiber and chicken meat. I think this is the food that has helped firm up the stools, which is a plus in anyone’s book. My lawn appreciates this dog food.

Victor Dog Food Grain-Free Active Dog and Puppy Beef Meal and Sweet Potato – This dog kibble is particularly suited to active, sporting dogs, which my dogs all are – unfortunately, we don’t count any couch potatoes among our fur family. This one also has a formulation to help with their immune systems, and who doesn’t need a good immune system, this year in particular??

Wellness CORE Natural Dry Dog Food Original Turkey & Chicken – This is another one full of protein and omega oils. This is the one that supposedly boasts a great taste. (I haven’t personally tried it, but my dogs do empty their bowls.)

I have a big container in my garage where I mix all three bags of dog food together and these three bags last me a good month of feeding our fur babies.

Have a great weekend, my dear friends and readers!! Start making out your Christmas/holiday lists. It’s good to have something to look forward to, in the near future!!!


Funny Friday Images

Happy Friday!! Happy Favorite Things Friday!!! Doesn’t Friday just taste like a cool glass of icy water on a scorchingly hot August day?! New readers, Fridays are devoted to the material stuff in life here at Adulting – Second Half. I take off my serious, contemplative hat on Fridays. On Fridays, I list three favorite things, songs, videos, beauty products, food stuff, etc. and I strongly encourage you to list your favorites in my Comments section. Please see previous Friday posts for more favorites, and please check out today’s favorites, below:

Karen Adams stationery If you are a fan of beautiful old-fashioned paper cards, note paper and paper calendars, like me, you must go to the Karen Adams website. This stationery is some of the prettiest works of art in this genre, that I have seen in a long time. They have a stunning desk calendar that I just had to purchase for 2021, because frankly, 2021 can’t get here fast enough. I hope that 2021 ends up being as beautiful and full of quality, as is the Karen Adams calendar. These items are not inexpensive, because they have hand-done and well-done, discreet glitter accents, but considering how special and rare a handwritten note is these days, isn’t excellent, beautiful stationery worth the heartfelt sentiments being written on it?

Greenboxart.com Masks – Earlier this week I told you about the irreverent and delightful mask I purchased, depicting three angry birds. Well, I went to their website and I found that Greenboxart has four pages of delightfully cute and fun and vibrant masks, mostly depicting animals and nature. If we are going to make masks part of our daily uniform, for the unknown future, they should bring a smile to our faces before we even put them on, don’t you think? Smiley eyes are the best accent, when wearing a mask.

My Life as a Zucchini If you are one of my regular readers, I know that you were wondering about what movie I picked for the grand finale of Family Movie Night. I picked “My Life as a Zucchini.” This stop-motion, clay-mation movie is short, sweet, funny and poignant. It did not disappoint. You can see it on Netflix and I highly recommend fitting in some time to view it this weekend. The movie is French, and it tells the tale of children in a foster care home. “My Life as a Zucchini” is part comedy/part drama, but whole heart. The movie only runs a little over an hour, which makes a great deal of sense when you think about how painstaking it must be to make a stop motion film. I got us some zucchini fries from PDQ to go along with the theme, and I highly recommend those, too. We devoured them!

Have a great weekend, my dear true-hearted soul sisters (and brothers, too) and friends!!

50 Best 'Friday Quotes' to Kickstart A Happy Weekend — TGIF!