
Dear friends and readers,

I have never done this before, since I started writing the blog in 2018, but I have decided to take the rest of the month off from writing the blog. My husband and I have some adventures planned that we can finally partake in. We had planned to celebrate the raising of our four children to adulthood, a little earlier than this (our youngest started college last year) but we had to deal with health issues of extended family members and the death of my husband’s mother. It’s been A LOT and I don’t think that we have fully processed everything that has happened, and what we have gone through. We need an “escape time” for a little while.

I write this blog every single day. On rare occasions, I have written a blog post the night before, but that doesn’t feel genuine to me. I see this blog as an extension of me, and where I am at in the moment. It’s not a business. It’s an outpouring of my thoughts and my feelings. Where I am at right now emotionally, is a mix of proud celebration and relief, and desperately needing a break from my usual.

I hope that you won’t leave me. You can look at my archives to understand my consistent, loyal nature. I have every intention of coming back to the blog, feeling refreshed and optimistic about this stage of my life, and with a lot of adventures to write about.

I hope to “see” you around these parts again in May. I honestly hope that you will miss me. I know that I will miss you.

Sincere love,


Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.