It Just Blooms

On my to-do list for today, is to get a birthday card in the mail for my cousin’s little girl who is soon to turn two. Imagine being two these days. Everything is so completely different than when I was two, or even when my children were two years old. Technology is moving at such a rapid rate. It’s only in the last twenty years that inventions like smartphones, Google, Facebook, electric cars and Bluetooth have become part of mainstream society. Who knows what’s next? I have never had a scientific type of mind, but I am eager to see what is coming up for all of us, around the corner, most likely in rapid succession.

It’s when I consider all of these rapid changes in the world, that I get really annoyed at myself, and at others, when we start saying disparaging things about younger generations. Who are we to judge? Who are we to say what we would have been like, if the internet, Facebook, Instagram and digital cameras were part of our growing up experience? When you start comparing generations, you are never doing an apples to apples comparison. A truly scientific experiment would require that all of the outside variables be exactly the same, and that’s not possible with human beings, not even for identical twins in the same family.

Why do we humans have such a need to make comparisons? If we are honest with ourselves, it is either to make up for insecurities in ourselves (feeling better than), or to validate our own poor opinions of ourselves (feeling less than). Neither comparison does anything productive for us, or for anybody else. Comparison is only helpful when it is inspiring and inclusive. That kind of positive comparison is just an act of witnessing and discerning whether you say, “Gee, I want some of that. How do I get something like that for myself?” or “Wow, that’s interesting. It’s not for me, but variety is the spice of life.”

There is such an emphasis today on “likes” and “claps” and “followers”, but in our frenzy for approval, do we ever really stop and ask ourselves why? Is something only good for us, and interesting to us, and exciting for us, if other people say that it is? How much time are we spending talking to others about our lives, posting “stuff” about our lives, always justifying our opinions about things, versus actually just living our lives? If we are making a living from our “likes”, “claps” and “followers” then it follows that the court of public opinion, should sway our choices, I suppose. But then that just turns our own life into a commodity, being shaped by forces that aren’t really authentic to our truest selves. When we are so focused on the “likes”, “claps” and “followers” of any life decision that we make, we are no longer living our true life, but more of an empty image, that changes with the wind. And also, when the people who are making their own lives/selves, their “product”, and are then, exposed to be something different than what they are portraying, everyone feels disappointed and deceived. We see this happen time and time again.

When someone I love asks me to help them with a dilemma they are experiencing, I offer my opinion (sometimes too quickly and boisterously and annoyingly – I own this about myself. Thank you for still loving me, my peeps) but I also like to remind the person that if they put their question “out there”, they are likely to get half the world agreeing with their actions, and half the world disagreeing with their actions. Even if a majority vote leans one way or another, what does that really matter? The only thing that really matters when making a decision about your life, is what deeply resonates with yourself, at your very core. If you put the focus back on what resonates with yourself, versus what generates a bunch of “approval”, you will experience your deepest, most sacred connection to your own self and your own life. Authenticity never requires approval. It just is.

9 Quotes to Help You Stop Comparing Yourself to Others | Comparison quotes,  Powerful quotes, Challenge yourself quotes

Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Friday 13

I’m not really in a bad mood at all. It’s Friday, for goodness’ sake! I just thought that the meme was hilarious. The minions will always be a “favorite” of mine. Happy Friday!!! Happy Friday, the 13th!! (extra lucky) Happy Favorite Things Friday! New readers, Fridays are all about the material world. We keep it light and on the surface on Fridays. I typically list three favorite songs, downloads, gift items, gadgets, whatevers and I strongly encourage you to list your favorites, as well. Please check out previous Friday listings for more favorites. Favorites never go out of style. Here are today’s favorites:

Wsky Laptop Cooler – My laptop computer runs really hot. I need an oven mitt to move the laptop to a different location on my desk. This laptop cooling stand is quiet, only comes on when the computer is on, and is unobtrusive. I ordered it on Amazon and I truly believe that it is adding years to the life of my computer. I wish that they would make a person sized one, as it would be a wonderful way, to lay out in the sun. (shhh, I admit that I still do that, but I do wear sunscreen)

Derin Collection Coin Purses – I love small little bags to put all of my little minutia in. My friend once emptied out one of my colossal purses and counted 15 different bags, inside of the bag. (wallets, eyeglass cases, checkbook holders, makeup bags, you get the gist) No exaggeration. Hey, I own my idiosyncrasies. I love bags of every shape, size and color. I just found these Derin coin purses and I am in love. They look like tiny little Persian rugs for your purse. They are wonderful and the bottoms expand to hold all of our lucky pennies. Every purse needs a Persian carpet, right?!

Jillatay Etsy Store – I decided to add to my nativity scene collection this year. I typically like simple nativities that are only one piece (like Mary and baby Jesus) or a few simple pieces. (The larger sets are beautiful, but do not fare well in a chaotic household of six active people and two large dogs with long, wagging tails that tend to take these elaborate nativities out, in one full sweep) Anyway, I found some adorable nativity additions at this store and I fell in love with this ceramic artist’s complete whimsy and spiritually artistic viewpoint. (she makes art from many religious/spiritual/natural viewpoints) Check her site out. Eye candy! See an example below.

Have a great weekend, friends!!!! Happy Friday!!!

Santy Claws Red Jizo Kitty Cats Porcelain image 0


I know that this is going to sound crazy from a person who is willing to spill her guts on a public blog, but I’m not one for social media. You probably couldn’t pick me out of a line-up from my ancient Facebook front page photo and my kids’ pictures are so old on my Facebook page, you might think they are competition for the waiting list on competitive, hard-to-get-into preschools (three of my kids are now adults). My LinkedIn was required for a part-time job that I had, that ended almost two years ago, when they shut down their local office. I imagine my LinkedIn appears like I still work there. I don’t know. I haven’t checked. I have an Instagram for this blog. It has one post.

When I admit my iffiness about social media to people, I get a variety of responses. I think some friends and family who love their social media, take it as an insult. I think sometimes people think that I am making some kind of judgmental statement with my ambivalence. I am not. I believe everyone has their passions and that is what makes the world go round. Facebook has been a very useful way for me to get in touch with long lost friends and relatives at almost instant notice and I think that is great. About a decade ago, I was much more into posting on Facebook, but then I started getting uncomfortable with it and the amount of time that I was spending on it. I’ve always been one of those people who is much more comfortable observing. Because I’m kind of a friendly, maybe even an “out-there” personality, I think I come across as a contradiction. I’m a natural introvert, who appears to be an extrovert.

The whole “Big Brother” thing kind of stresses me out, too. I’ve got nothing to hide, but I find it disconcerting to walk into a boutique and look at my phone, and have it remind me that I have been to that particular boutique two years ago and three times previous to that. I’m a little uncomfortable being tracked and stalked by my phone and whatever forces lie behind the tracking features. The more exposure everything seems to get, the more I seem to want to dive into my own little hole, like Alice, into my own little Wonderland.

That being said, all of that has served as a preface to a wild hair I got this weekend, when I thought it would be fun to turn our dogs into Instapups. Boredom and a lack of a schedule, brings out the crazy in me. If you follow my blog, you’ve read some stories about our dogs, so you can now follow them on ralphieandjosie on Instagram, if you are so inclined. I warn you, I get bored easily and I hate feeling overexposed, so I’m not sure how long it will last, but for now, I’m having fun with it. I’m not willing to put myself or my family out there too much on public pictorial stage, but hell, I’ll throw my dogs to the dogs, so to speak. 😉 And for now, they seem all in, tails wagging.

“Don’t say anything on online that you wouldn’t want plastered on a billboard with your face on it.” – Erin Bury