The Perfect Age

What is the perfect age? “Well, it’s the age where I finally understand my freedom, and I finally understand that I am free to create, and it’s the age that I am at my most beautiful.” And we say, by whose standards? In other words, who gets to decide the perfect age? And we say, rather than determining what the perfect age is, why not decide what the perfect state of being is—and then discover that you can find the perfect state of being at any age. – Esther Hicks

“All my days I have longed equally to travel the right road and to take my own errant path.” – Norwegian-Danish novelist Sigrid Undset, who won the Noble Prize for Literature

December is my birthday month and despite all of the distractions of the holidays, I have always liked having a December birthday. One, I like being a Sagittarius. I think that we are a real fun, interesting bunch. Two, all of this personal life reflection that seems to come around one’s birthday, is a perfect way to reflectively end one year, and to expectantly and excitedly start a new one.

Many of my elders and many older movie stars who have been interviewed, often say that despite their changing bodies and their evolving appearances that comes with aging, they have always felt like the same person inside, no matter what age they are, at any particular time. And that is because, at the deepest most eternal level of any of us, our forever souls are changeless and ageless. If you move past the crusty old body surface (which changes with aging), and you get past the personality and ego layers (which often have the tendency to change with experience and growth), you finally get to the peaceful center of anybody (which is eternal and never changes). And that tranquil, undisturbed center, which is in of all of us, is just lovingly and curiously and agelessly staying aware, without judgment, as it is experiencing life as a human being.

In short, there is nothing outside of us to search for in this life. “The perfect state of being” exists in all of us, and at any age, if you are willing to dig deep down past all of the other “stuff” – the layers of body and personality and ego. Our “perfect state of being” was always there and it will always be there. Birthday parties are amusing to our “perfect state of being”. Our “perfect state of being” likes to notice the sensations of excitement and anticipation that comes with birthdays and parties and celebrations, but in reality, our “perfect state of being/souls” are ageless and timeless and at perfect peace at all times.

Forgive me, readers. I do have a tendency to get deep around my birthday. Deep thinking and writing about my deep thinking is one of my greatest joys in life. Doing the things that I love to do, is when I feel most connected to the deepest, most centered part of myself. Staying connected to my “perfect state of being” makes me feel connected to eternity. How many candles do you put on a cake for an eternal soul?

“We know more about the surface of the sun than the deep earth,” says Rich Muller of the Lab’s Physics Division, a professor of physics at UC Berkeley.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.