I was in the restroom this morning and I used up the last of the toilet paper roll. I started to hyperventilate. I could feel a panic attack arising. I ran to the garage and saw that we still had two packages of toilet paper rolls, and I could breathe again. Now I realize that right now, there is plenty of toilet paper to go around. We honestly, had enough toilet paper to keep us clean throughout quarantine. I didn’t even have to ration it. Today, I can actually find a wide variety of brands of toilet paper in Publix and Target. Still, I think that I may have a little bit of PTSD around the toilet paper issue. I wonder if a lot of us will end up with “coronavirus quirks”, like our grandparents had their own peculiarities from going through the Depression.
“Why does great-granny start shaking uncontrollably when we run out of toilet paper?”
“Oh, well, honey, she went through the Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020.”
Okay, back to why you really came here to Adulting – Second Half today. It’s Friday!!! Happy Friday!!! Happy Favorite Things Friday!!! On Fridays, I typically list three favorite products, beauty items, songs, websites, etc. etc. that make living in the material world, a lot of fun. I strongly encourage you to add your favorites to the Comments section and please check out previous posts for more favorite things. Here are mine for today:
Favorite Feel Good Story of the Week (possibly of the month) – If you haven’t read the story about six-year-old Bridger Walker from Wyoming, do it now. Here’s a link:
This darling little Wyoming boy saved his little sister from a dog attack, and ended up having to get 90 stitches from being ravaged with bites! What a hero! And the “feel good vibes” from this story, just keep coming and coming, including the fact that the Walker family has forgiven the friends with the dog, and the Walker family turned down a Go Fund Me, asking instead that all donations go to a Veterans’ Association and finally, Captain America (Chris Evans) is sending Bridger an official and authentic Captain America shield for his heroism! It’s children like Bridger who make us all want to be better people! Heroes come in the most unlikely of packages, sometimes.
Kinder’s The Blend Seasoning – This dream come true in a bottle can be purchased at Costco. All that it really is, is salt, pepper, and garlic, but this spice concoction is blended to proportional perfection. EVERYTHING tastes better with this seasoning: meat, vegetables, salads – okay, I haven’t tried it on dessert, yet, but never say never. My jar of Kinder’s sits right by our stove, so I don’t forget to cook with it. Ever.
Supercook.com – When we were a young married family and on a tight budget, my husband used to brag about my pantry creativity and innovation. Somehow I would manage to make a box of corn meal, carrot straws, a packet of sweetener, and a can of soup, into some kind of edible dinner. Now, I have never been a great cook, but I think I did find it fun (plus it saved me a trip to the store) to try to make “something outta nothin’. ” This website now does all the mental work for you. It saves you the trip to the store and the strain to your brain. You list what ingredients you have on hand, and this website will give you a plethora of recipes to make something, with what you’ve got.
Have a great weekend, friends!!!!