“Thursday doesn’t even count as a day, it’s just the thing that’s blocking Friday.” – anonymous

We got past our blocks!!!  Happy Friday!!!  New readers, I keep it very Friday on Fridays.  Meaning, I don’t go heavy and deep.  On Friday, I discuss three favorite things of mine and explain a little why I think that these items are so fantastic.  On a different note, although participation has been spotty, I do encourage my readers to comment about their favorite items in the comment section.  Recently, someone dear to me, apologized for commenting on my blog and said that she didn’t realize that the comments were public. What?!?  Why?!?  I LOVE COMMENTS!  I see the numbers and stats of people reading my blog.  I know you are out there.  I would LOVE to get to know you better!  I would love discourse and new perspectives on my quirky thoughts.  Please don’t ever, ever hesitate to comment.  You can even disagree.  I can take it.  I’m tough, especially on Fridays.

On to Favorite Things Friday:

ELLE magazine – As beautiful as the fashion layouts are in this magazine, I don’t subscribe to it for that reason.  I don’t wear $4,000 blouses.  I love to leaf through all that beauty and style, quickly, to get to the reason why I will always subscribe to Elle.  I love the advice column by “Auntie E” – E. Jean Carroll.  Her answers to fascinating questions are always so sure, confident, illuminating and inspiring.  I’m pretty sure there is no one in this world who has more moxie and panache than E. Jean.  She’s 74 and appears to be one of the most “hip, with-it” ladies this side of the Mississippi.  She’s hilarious, kind, direct and on-point.  E. Jean Carroll has a great website covering her column, as well, and has created other businesses along the way, like a game app and a dating service.  I’m a huge fan of Auntie E.

Think Smarter twitter feed – This is like getting your daily mantra for life, every day.  Each day, whoever created this amazing feed, finds one totally amazing thought-provoking post that just makes my jaw drop.  I typically think about the post for the rest of the day, in a good way.  If you think you already know all there is to know about life, follow this feed and you will be humbled.  “Think Smarter” is the perfect title for it.  Love it!

Digest Gold – It makes me nervous to suggest dietary supplements on my blog.  I think I should add a disclaimer to talk to your trusted doctor about anything you ingest.  That being said, if you have digestion issues, this over-the-counter supplement made a world of difference for me and so, I recommend that you try it.  No matter what age I have been throughout my life, my stomach has always been geriatric.  I think I have probably had IBS since I was about 8-years-old.  I would do anything for a harmless, painless needle that I could use intermittently to pop my gut and let all that air out, ideally quietly and discreetly.  Anyway, Digest Gold has made a big difference for me in the ways of comfort and relief.  I take it daily.

” ‘I’m so sad it’s Friday.  I wish it were Monday already’ said No One in history ever.” – anonymous