

I love summer and all of the good stuff that comes with summer, such as ice cream trucks. I saw this chart on the internet the other day which showed the typical ice cream novelties commonly available from ice cream trucks. It made me instantly happy. Who doesn’t have fond childhood memories of “the ice cream man”? My regular go-to is the Good Humor Strawberry Shortcake bar (even at the age of 50, I am not beyond having my heart flutter as I rush to my purse, when I hear the familiar sound of the ice cream truck’s twinkling tune, and then pretend that I was just out getting my mail, as I try to appear all casual-like, among the throngs of neighborhood children – “oh well, perhaps a little ice cream could be refreshing, you know, for nostalgia’s sake.”) I honestly have tried each and every one of these scrumptious offerings on the chart, over the years, except for the “Screw Ball”. I had to look it up. I had no idea what a Screw Ball was, so it intrigued me greatly. It turns out that a Screw Ball is a sherbert type concoction in a cone, with a gum ball at the very bottom of the cone. (And this is the part of my story when I envision you all nodding, and rolling your eyes and saying, “Duh! How could you not know what a Screw Ball is???”) I am still not quite curious enough to switch from my Strawberry Shortcake selection, to a Screw Ball, but if it were the last offering left, I wouldn’t say no.

Speaking of gum, I bought four packets of Cinnamon Extra gum at my local Walgreens the other day. They were on clearance for fifteen cents each. When the kind and friendly young man behind the counter was ringing me out, I asked him if he liked gum. “Oh, I like gum,” he said. “Well, take one of these for yourself,” I said on a whim.

Friends, you would have thought I had handed the clerk, a gold bar or a Bitcoin token. His grateful and joyous and sincere reaction kind of bewildered me. He was so overwhelmingly thankful, that part of me was desperate to rummage through my purse for something more, like a hundred dollar bill in order to truly warrant his thankfulness (which I would not have found, because I don’t honestly carry around a lot of cash in my purse these days, and nor did I figure that he would want a used tube of lipstick). I started to sadly wonder if this young man hadn’t received many gifts in his life. Still, the experience, made me feel great. And it obviously seemed to make the clerk feel good, too. This fifteen cent, clearance gum is the most satisfying gum which I have ever purchased in my life, for myself or for anybody else, and I haven’t even taken the cellophane wrapper off of it yet. I suppose that there really is truth to the old adage, “It’s the thought that counts.”

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Trippy Friday

Hello friends and readers!!! Welcome to the most fabulous day of the week!! Isn’t it wonderful?! On Fridays, we try to keep things light and fun here at Adulting – Second Half. On Fridays, also called Favorite Things Friday, I typically list three favorite things, whether they be products, or songs, or TV shows, or books, etc. Please add your favorites to my Comments section. Reality is, we live in a material world, and we should enjoy our things and experiences!!! Tonight, despite the mixed reviews that it is getting, I am very excited to watch the movie, Coming to America 2. Eddie Murphy finally made a sequel to his iconic Coming to America, which first came out in 1988! You can view the sequel starting today on Amazon Prime Video. Also, please note that the above meme was created by my favorite (and only) daughter, featuring one of our favorite dogs, our Boykin spaniel, Trip, whose look lives up to his name.

Today’s favorites:

Nonpareils candy – I bought a bag of nonpareils at The Fresh Market the other day and I got transported to Heaven. I bought them for nostalgia’s sake, and plus, they were beautiful pastel Easter colors, so I decided that I had to have them, thinking that the nonpareils would look lovely in a candy dish, for the upcoming spring season. Ha! I practically ate the whole bag of them on the way home from the store. I looked up the meaning of the French word “nonpareil”, and not surprisingly, it means “having no equal.” What are the nonpareils in your life besides your beloved family, friends and pets? Are you on the list of your nonpareils? You should be.

Word Genius emails – Speaking of word meanings, you probably have figured out by now that I love the written word. I also love things that make me feel smart. Every day I get a Word Genius email with a word and a multiple choice question, as to the word’s meaning. More often than not, I get the word’s meaning correct and even if I don’t get the answer right, I learn a new word, or I am reminded of a wonderful word that I had forgotten about and need to bring back into my vernacular. The other day, the Word Genius word was “Hinterland” which means unchartered territory. I thought to myself, “There is a blog post related to this word. Being an almost empty-nester is certainly entering into Hinterland.”

Reclaimed Wood furniture – My husband is reclaiming one of our bedrooms as a home office. By the time we are done setting the home office up, it will be time for him to return to his real office downtown, but still . . . . . . My husband has always fallen in love with reclaimed wood pieces which we have seen in various local, funky bars and eateries, so we went on a search to find him the perfect reclaimed wood desk. And we found it!! Friends, there is a whole other blog post story (which I will save for a later date), fully explaining how we found this gorgeous, one of kind piece. I am completely and totally in love with this piece of furniture. Sometimes, I just wander in and gaze at it. Nothing is more beautiful than nature, and nothing is more impressive than a devoted, passionate craftsman/artist who can coax out the natural beauty of the deepest center of a piece of wood, forcing you to pay awestruck attention to its divine, ravishing, unique qualities. Each layer of a tree trunk tells, a story right?? This desk tells an intimate story without using any words. Here it is:

Enjoy your weekend, my dear friends!! See you tomorrow!!

Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.