Monday Fun-Day


Hi friends! Happy March! And another important animal reference, I give to you: Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit.

I just have a couple of random tidbits for you today. I am a tad scattered and frazzled on Mondays, as you well know by now.

First of all, on my Nextdoor website, a woman posted a picture of a snake found in her garage, asking neighbors if it was poisonous or not. It turned out not to be a dangerous snake (thank goodness), but a snarky grammarian neighbor, made it clear that no snakes are poisonous, unless you eat them. Snakes are either venomous or non-venomous. Don’t you feel smarter now? Also, in case you haven’t heard this tip before, if a snake’s head looks like the end of your pinky and kind of just flows with the rest of its body, it is probably non-venomous. Venomous snakes generally have triangular or diamond shaped heads that stand out from the rest of their bodies.

Next, I’ve mentioned before that our big, ol’ goofy Labrador retriever, Ralphie, has taught himself to play our piano with his chin. (Ralphie teaches himself a lot of tricks such as turning on and off light switches, turning off the Roomba (he really doesn’t care for the Roomba’s noisiness and intrusion), opening and closing the X-Box and diving for his toys at the bottom of the deep end of the pool. As my son says, Ralphie is always on a mission.) Anyway, on Saturday, my husband announced the details of a depressing news story to me, as I was writing my blog. I exasperatedly said to my husband, “Now why would you tell me that?! You know that just upsets me.” And then, in that moment, as if on cue, Ralphie took his chin and played “Dun dun, duhhhhhhh!” on the lower keys of the piano. I wish so badly that I had this moment on video. It would be viral right now.

Finally, if you are forgetting that your life is full of unbelievable miracles, take a couple of dollars and buy a package of teeny, weeny seeds. Within weeks of planting a package of radish seeds, look at my husband’s harvest:

In life, a lot of bounty can come from seemingly nothing. Know this. Believe this. Put your energy into the good stuff and watch the miracles grow!!! Have a miraculous week!

Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.