Monday – Funday

credit: @david_perell (Twitter)
credit: @david_perell (Twitter)

“As a society, it’s as if we’ve read too many blog posts about the 80/20 rule. When you strip away too much of the non-essential, you lose the kind of craftsmanship that endows an object with soul and makes the world feel alive.” – David Perell

I read a couple of interesting articles about the homogenization of society, over the weekend. In modern society, we want everything to be fast, easy, cheap, and to look like an Apple store. And the price which we are paying for this is the loss of creativity, uniqueness, and cultural diversity. A lot of this has happened due to our greater globalization, and it’s not all bad. We have a lot more conveniences, worldwide, than we ever had before. Still, I think that it is important to notice a phenomenon when it is happening. I think that it’s okay to rebel against this a little bit. I think this is why there are those of us who like to peruse antique stores and flea markets, and pick up an object and say out loud to ourselves, and to whomever else may be near, “They don’t make them like this anymore!”

This week make sure that you dress yourself, feed yourself, and surround yourself with items that have soul, and make you feel alive. Don’t be a sheeple.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.