Dragon It, It’s Friday

Good morning! Happy Friday!! Happy Year of the Dragon!! Today is a New Moon. Today is one of the first new moons of the new year. New Moons are a great time to think about what you want in the new year. I saw this quote this week and I think it is an excellent reminder: “When writing the story of your life, don’t let someone else hold the pen.” – Harley Davidson Use your own pen to write your own story. Today is your fresh new start.

Fridays are for my favorites! Favorite things are what makes life sing. I was visiting with dear family members earlier this week and I was treated to the most fabulous oranges which I have eaten in a long time. I was told that the oranges come from a wonderful farm in Florida, who ship their citrus all over the country. When I was devouring these oranges, I had one of those moments when you say to yourself, “Oh yes, this is what oranges are really supposed to taste like.” You can order many different Florida citrus offerings from Countryside Family Farms here: www.countrysidecitrus.com

Speaking of delicious food, yesterday morning when I got my coffee, and I glanced at my calendar, I saw a reminder that I had a reservation for lunch at a local high school’s Culinary Academy restaurant. I had made the reservation several months ago, as these reservations are limited and hard to get, and it was the last reservation available for the entire school year. (Yes, I went by my lonesome.) I admit that I wasn’t thrilled at first, when I saw the appointment on my calendar. I have a million things on my plate this week, and so truthfully, I even considered bailing. But my curiosity and my conscience got to the best of me, and so, I went. And it was fabulous! My three course meal was a great deal better than a lot of restaurant meals which I have had lately. Seniors in high school, who plan on pursuing careers in the culinary arts, and who run the whole show, from hostessing, to serving, to cooking, to setting up seating and creating ambience, and finally do all of the clean up, were so obviously passionate and excited and proud about what they do. I was wildly impressed. It was a great reminder to me, of all of the talent that exists right in your own neck of the woods, coming from people of all different ages. Local high schools put on wonderful drama and musical productions. They have amazing art exhibits, marching band events, robotics/science demonstrations, and of course, every sports game imaginable to watch. Put something on your calendar this year which supports the different “goings on” at your local schools. You will be amazed with what you experience. You will be impressed. You will be rejuvenated. You will feel good supporting the kids in your community, and you will feel a whole lot better about the future. (You’ll take a little notch out of your cranky, getting older, “the world is going to hell in a handbasket” point of view.) At least that’s what I got out of yesterday, besides an incredible, delicious lunch for only $15.

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Here is the question of the day from 3000 Questions About Me:

970. Do desperate times call for desperate measures?