The Magic

There is a man who lives up the road from us, who puts on a synchronized to music, Holiday light show, the likes that I have never seen. It beats the shows that I have witnessed at high-end outdoor shopping malls. There is no doubt in my mind that this man must have worked as a light and sound engineer for Disney, or was a major concert engineer for big time bands, in his younger years. He even has a snow machine (which in the South, equates to bubbles that seriously look like real snow, until you taste a “flake”.) The extravaganza goes on forever. He even incorporates Hanukkah and Kwanzaa music. Last night, there was a line of cars, walkers and bikers staring at the wondrous sight. Little kids were dancing in the streets. The mastermind, himself, passed around candy canes. It was overwhelmingly, breathtakingly fabulous. And I am sure that his immediate neighbors are ready to kill him.

I had such a staggering concoction of emotions stirring up in me, as I watched the lights dance vividly to all the familiar Christmas tunes which I have heard for almost 49 years now. I had a childlike giddiness and anticipation, mixed with some nostalgia, plus some numbness from sensory overload, with a pinch of annoyance and sympathy for his neighbors across the street, all topped with a contagious joy that came from admiration and pride for this man’s talent and spirit and excitement. I wanted it to end and yet to never end, all at the same time.

It struck me as to why we have come to so outwardly express our jubilance for the holiday season, as a society. There is probably no other time in the year, where the blend of feelings and emotions inside of each of us, reaches such a crescendo, such a summit, such a summation of what it feels to be alive, that it has to burst out of us, somehow, in brightly colored lights, in loudly-sung, familiar, merry songs, in rich, decadent food, and in sparkly apparel. And then, after all of that “bursting”, we are left searching for some solace and calm, which we find in a quiet, peaceful manger scene or a beautiful lighted candle, or in the peaceful face of a sleeping loved one, or in an untouched snowy night under a starry sky. Perhaps, the holidays are just a microcosm of our entire living experience. I guess that is maybe the real meaning of the oft quoted, “magic of the holidays.”

It Has Arrived – Friday

“Happy Friday!  Here’s to all of us who made it through another week of faking adulthood!” – Nanea Hoffman

Happy Friday!!! Woohoo!!!! I treated last night like Friday night.  That’s why I’m a little late to the game.  Plus, I miss my mega monitor.  The people who work at our beautiful, artsy little hotel here are wonderful suck-ups.  They told me and my husband that we were are like super fun, good-looking models.  We must be at Fantasy Island –  models for Cialis commercials, maybe.  I think that is one of the good points in aging.  Younger people start thinking that making you feel good could be “their good deed for the day.”

My new favorite flavor of cookie has to be Pumpkin Spice Chocolate Snickerdoodle.  I have sucked down three of them as I write this.  New readers, Fridays are casual here at Adulting -Second Half.  We keep it light and superficial.  I list three favorite items, songs, books, etc. that make my life even more of a good life.  I encourage you to do the same in the Comments section.  Also,  check out previous Fridays for other good ideas for ways to make your life even more of a good life, too!

I’m in a wonderful, cold Christmas-y location.  It got me thinking of my three favorite Christmas carols.  Now, Christmas music can get old fast.  After a few weeks of Christmas music wafting through the air of every space you breathe in, one can start to feel a little edgy and Scrooge-y, for sure.  However, these three renditions of Christmas songs are so good, I sometimes listen to them in July, with my convertible top down.  Ugh, I bet you are thinking “Don’t Be that Guy!”.  I know.  I know.  But I’m “That Lady”, plus I’m getting old enough that young people are starting to suck up to me, so I can get away with more now.

“Oh Holy Night” Martina McBride’s rendition – If you are tired of the crass commercialism that sometimes has a way that of wafting into the season and quickly taking over, take three big breaths and listen.  My Goodness, this woman sings so beautifully!!  This rendition still gives me shivers and makes my neck hairs stand up straight and tall.  I would put this up with Whitney Houston singing the National Anthem.

“Mary’s Boy Child” – Boney M.’s rendition – If you want to feel like you are in the Caribbean for Christmas, as you are scraping ice off of your windshield, pop this tune into your ear buds.  I heard this song for the first time ago, decades ago on an obscure radio station.  It made me feel instantly happy and like I should be dancing in a coconut bra.  Back then, we didn’t have a glimmer of services like Shazam, so I called the radio station, talked to the DJ and in the end, had to order the CD from Germany.  But it was worth it.  The song is that good.

“Last Christmas” – George Michael –  When George Michael first came on to the scene, everyone fell in love with him – men, women and children.  I was a kid and my friend’s mother couldn’t stop swooning over the gorgeousness of this man.  This is the Christmas song that my kids love washing the dishes to – it really does add to the productivity of our household and nothing brings a bigger smile to my heart than hearing my kids singing along to this song and knowing that I will be walking into a clean kitchen soon after.

Okay, time to be getting back to my wonderful adventure.  May you have wonderful adventures this weekend, too, my beloved readers and friends!!

“If showing up in a robe and a tiara with a box of wine is wrong, then maybe I  don’t fully comprehend how Casual Friday actually works.” – Abby Has Issues