I Vote for Friday

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Hi Friends! My regular readers know that I keep Fridays on the light side. On Fridays, here at Adulting – Second Half. I typically list three favorites of mine in “the material world” like products, foods, songs, movies, etc. I strongly encourage you to add your favorites, in my Comments section. Please also check out my previous Friday posts for more favorites. A little dose of a favorite something or other, is sure to cheer anyone up during this somewhat stressful and suspenseful week. Here are my favorites for today:

Tully and Young Adult – I think that Charlize Theron is a brilliant actress. These two movies are more obscure than some of her more blockbuster films. Still, I have seen each movie more than once and I get a little bit more from them, each time I have seen them. If you are looking for something a little off the beaten path for viewing pleasure, I highly recommend both of these films.

OPI’s In The Cable Car-Pool Lane nail polish (where do they come up with these names?!) This nail polish shade is the perfect fall purple. It is a beautiful plum shade, that’s not too bright, yet not too dark. It complements other fall colors like oranges and dark greens, just perfectly! Rarely, do I use the same color twice in a row with fresh pedicures, but this nail polish is worthy of “twice in a row” status.

The Last Kingdom – Our eldest son turned us on to this Netflix show. Imagine Game of Thrones without dragons. This historical fiction piece, about the early years of a developing England, is a very interesting and enthralling watch. As with all of these types of shows with castles and warriors, expect some gruesome violence, but still, the story line is fascinating. This show keeps you easily intrigued and willing to stay up an extra hour to watch “just one more episode.”

Keep the faith, this weekend, friends! Believe in the best of yourself, believe in the best of your families, your friends and your neighbors, and believe that loving beyond imagine, everlasting Powers, far, far greater powers than any one political office, have all of us, loved and cared for, on a much higher plane than we can see, from our limited and clouded viewpoints. There is a Master Plan. And it is a Good One.

“Somewhere inside of all of us is the power to change the world.” – Roald Dahl

“The most important office, and the one which all of us can and should fill, is that of private citizen.” – Louis Brandeis