My Ninja Mask

“It’s not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change.” – Charles Darwin

If ever there was a year to see how adaptable we are, 2020 would be it. The first time I saw a child in the grocery store with a mask on, my stomach lurched and my heart filled with sadness. My youngest son recently commented on the same fact. Seeing children wearing masks brings a visceral reaction for a lot of us. Of course, our precious children need to be protected. Wearing masks is smart, considerate and often required. Interestingly, my eight-year-old mentee loves her “camo” mask. She told me that it matches a lot of her clothes and she feels like a ninja. I would call that being responsive to change.

Maybe if some of the rest of us adults could change the fear, anger, righteousness, embarrassment, frustration, and sadness that we often attach to the masks, to instead, a chance to bring out our own “inner ninjas”, our survival rates would go up and our contagion levels would go way down. I imagine that flexible, agile ninjas are the epitome of healthy immune systems. It’s a lot more fun to go about our daily chores with a stealthy ninja spirit, than a spirit filled with fear, defiance, resentment and defeatedness. Ninja energy seems to be a lot more vital and mysterious and sly, than already attaching sickness, pain and outrage, to what is nothing more than a piece of cloth and some string.