
The “mids” (my middle two children) are about to head back to their university, to start their spring semester. They go to the same college. I also sometimes call them “the Jan Bradys”. They don’t like that nickname, especially since they are guys. When you have a large family, you tend to break the kids down into subsets. My eldest two sons are redheads (now more commonly known as “gingers”). So, fittingly, I call them “the Reds” and thus, the youngest two children are “the Browns”. (they don’t particularly like that nickname because we are Steelers fans). Our eldest son, a tall, gregarious redhead is often called “Big Red.” And with the eldest three kids being male, and my youngest being our only daughter, we have “the boys and the Princess.” I usually call the dogs, “the fur babies” or “the poopies”. Categories just make life simpler. Ask any librarian.

“In life, the categories we belong to can change very easily and can change so very easily that we in fact belong to every single category! We are hunter, we are victim; we are master, we are slave; we are rich, we are poor; we are lock, we are key! We belong to every category!”
― Mehmet Murat ildan

Fortune for today: Dwell in possibility. – Emily Dickinson