What Still Stands

My heart is breaking for the people of Paris, the French people, and all of us, really. How incredibly sad about the burning of the Notre Dame Cathedral! My husband and I were fortunate enough to tour the beautiful, awe-inspiring church not long ago, in the spring of 2018. It was absolutely amazing and breath-taking. Notre Dame Cathedral was one of those incredible architectural masterpieces that makes you so amazed and impressed by what we humans are able to create and to manifest, into this material world. What is even more amazing is that the church was created and brought into fruition over 800 years ago, long before the ages of modern technology and machinery. As painful of a loss, as this is, I have no doubts that the people of France will resurrect Notre Dame to its previous beauty and standing, and soon. Losses like this remind us that nothing is permanent in the material world. Everything is fleeting and yet the energy, the creativity, the vision, the teamwork and most importantly, the nurturance and love that makes it possible for monuments of this beauty and magnitude to even be conjured and built, is what remains forever in the hearts and in the imaginations of our human race. These internal drives, propelling us to express ourselves outwardly in the forms of astonishingly amazing material creations, is the part of life that is truly permanent and monumental and these drives will always exist until we humans cease to exist any longer.

“Love knows no limit to its endurance, no end to its trust, no fading of its hope; it can outlast anything. Love still stands when all else has fallen.” – ComfortingQuotes.com