
How many of us are getting a little “burnt out”? I want this blog to be a place of positivism and respite, as it is one of my precious creations. I want it to be a healing, soothing place. This blog has been formed out the deepest, most loving, most connected, part of myself. But, I also want it to be “real.” I’ve noticed that a lot of my friends, family and acquaintances, and most definitely myself included, are getting a little frayed around the edges these days, even the ones of us, who have had the privilege of getting haircuts again. Some of us are developing signs of stress in our bodies with rashes, infections, mysterious aches and pains, and sleep issues. Some of us, are just a little more tired and edgy and cranky and sad. This morning, I saw that even one of my favorite astrologers, a strong woman who often seems to be spiritually “other-worldly”, has decided to take a month off from writing her weekly column, a publication which she has been writing endlessly, for over 50 years.

We’ve all had quite a bit of stress in the last few months, individually and collectively. It’s a lot to take in. It’s okay to say, “I need a rest. I need a break. I need to recharge.”

When your thoughts come into your head, notice them, but say, “Hey guys, I’m going to let you pass through without giving you any more energy or contemplation. My mind needs a break. I’m a little depleted.”

When your emotions come in, by way of waves, storms, fire pits, tornadoes, volcanoes or just a sprinkling of constant rain, feel the feels, but then say, “Hey guys, I’m going let you pass through without giving you any more energy or contemplation. My heart needs a break. I’m a little depleted.”

When your body starts whispering to you or screaming to you, giving you signs that your body is carrying your unacknowledged stress, don’t push your body. Nurture it. Nurture your body with rest, with wholesome nutrition, and with exercise that is reviving, not punishing. Say to yourself, “Body, I respect you. You are the vehicle that helps me to experience my life. I understand that you need a break. You are a little depleted.”

Today, let’s give ourselves a chance to rest and to recharge. Let’s not create artificial deadlines that tax our minds, and hurt our bodies and dampen our spirits. We humans are sensitive, sensual beings. Our senses have been barraged these last few months. It’s been an overload for most of us.

Today is a good day to “just be.” Imagine yourself plugged into your Source, the entire day, for charging. That’s all you have to do. Go about your life quietly, today, and keep the cord plugged in. Un-kink the hose, so that the Source energy can flow through you, and heal you. Follow your impulses that feel right and kind, from the deepest, most peaceful, most loving part of yourself. Follow your intuition about the self-care that you need today. If you get quiet, aware and honest with yourself, your current needs will become abundantly apparent to you. Give yourself the gift of honoring those needs. Bathe and exhilarate in your innate ability to restore, refresh and renew, yourself.

30 Self-Care Quotes That Inspire Us - Take Care of Yourself Quotes