
Why is it that all of your year’s biggest events all seemed to get bunched up into a three week span, in any one year? I’ve lived long enough to have experienced this phenomenon, again and again and again. And of course, at the same time, all of the regular daily stuff, and all of the little pop-ups (and even sometimes, unexpected big pop-ups) that show up in life, still happen, too. I spent most of this morning so far, making arrangements and changing arrangements, and letting people know arrangements, etc. And this morning, I have also had quite a few people tell me to, “Breathe.” At the tennis tournament yesterday, while watching our daughters play a very tight tie-breaker, all of the other tennis moms, looked at each other and reminded each other, to “Breathe.” Last night when I was trying to fall asleep, which I couldn’t do, even though I was utterly exhausted, my husband whispered to me, “Breathe.”

Now of course, we don’t need a command to breathe. We don’t even need to tell ourselves to breathe. It’s automatic. And if we aren’t breathing, we’re dead. So what do we mean when we tell ourselves, and we tell others to “Breathe.”? I think “Breathe.”, is shorthand for “Bring your attention back to your breath.” “Breathe.”, is shorthand for, “Get out of your crazy, over-wheeling mind, which is living in the “What ifs?” and the ramifications of all of the “what ifs” of the future, and notice how your body is taking care of you. Your body is your vehicle that’s going to take you through all of your experiences that are crammed into a two-and-a-half week time period, and you don’t want your body to get sick. You don’t want your mind to stir up all sorts of emotions such as fear and distress and overexcitement with its whirl of endless streaming thoughts. These thought storms, when overdone, cause all of these overwhelming emotions, which are taxing on your body, and can cause your body to break down. So, Breathe. Take each moment at a time. That’s how life works. Life works in “the now” and the easiest and quickest way to remind yourself of that fact, is to Breathe. The Universe has got this. You’ve got this. Don’t miss out on anything. Don’t miss out on any moment, or on any nuance. Just breathe. Breathe.”


Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.