Something Else

“It isn’t just talent. You have to have something else. You have to have a kind of nerve.” – Georgia O’Keefe

I saw this quote the other day and I thought, isn’t that the truth? You can’t be at the top of your game at anything that you set out to do, without nerve. There isn’t any dream which you set out to do that is completely without risks. The bigger your dream, the more you have to let go of self-consciousness. You have to face your fears head on, and decide that whatever it is that you want to do, and that you feel compelled to do, is more important than your doubts and your fears. It takes nerve to be the fullest, most authentic version of yourself. Talent is just the raw material. Nerve is the ability to take that talent and run with it.

Red Canna by Georgia O’Keeffe

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

Monday’s Valor

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.


Like so many of us, I have been completely in awe, and incredibly inspired by the courageous Ukrainian people and their magnificent real-life hero of a leader, Volodymyr Zelensky. I read somewhere that never has the majority of the world felt so united since 9/11. Doesn’t this feeling of unity feel so good? It’s been too long. Why must it take evil and violence for the world to wake up to how good solidarity feels to the majority of us all? A Tweet from Julius Kim (@Julius_Kim) says it best, I think:

“The war in #Ukraine touches the world so deeply because the little guy everywhere is so sick of being pushed around by bullies. Ukraine is us, and we are Ukraine.”