The Best Half

I think I need an attitude adjustment.  I think I have been “resigning” to aging.  I think I have fallen a little into to that “it’s all downhill from here” trap.  I got to thinking yesterday that the second half of anything is always the better half!  The Second Half of Adulting is going to be amazing!

I live with a lot of men and a very athletic daughter.  So despite the fact I didn’t own a good pair of tennis shoes until my thirties, I have come to be a sports fan.  I have watched a lot (A LOT) of sports games over the years and to save time, I’ve come to believe that you only need to watch the second half of any game.  The second half is better and way more exciting.  By the second half, the players “get each other”.  They are in their groove with their teammates and they know what they are up against with their competition.   At halftime, they’ve reviewed their mistakes and they have experienced trick plays.  The players know that there are more trick plays to come, but they are better prepared and not surprised when these plays happen.  They get that “time is of the essence”.  The players appreciate that they don’t have all the time in the world to meet their objectives, so they play with urgency.  They play ALIVE!  It’s exciting, the second half of any game!

Think about movies and books and plays.  Once again, the second half is always better.  How many times when reading a book have you snuck ahead to the second half?  The second half of any good story is where the rubber hits the road.  The second half has all of the action, the climax, the moral of the story and the happily ever after.  The first half is just about character development so that you can get to the excitement of the more meaningful second half.

What about a really good meal?  The second half has the dessert cart.  Need I say more?  Pregnancy?  The second half comes with the baby!!!

So, here’s to all of my fellow Second Halfers!  We’ve made it!  The best is yet to come!  Go over your game plan, make sure your character has developed the way you want it to and enjoy your just desserts!!