
This morning we are all dispersing. My husband and I are taking our eldest son to the airport (sniff, sniff). My middle sons are going to play a soccer game, and my daughter is headed to her job at a local bank. This is the way of families. We each head out in all different directions, and these different directions get more wild and longer and more disseminated, as our kids grow and move on to their own nuclear lives. Which is why the weeks like we just experienced, all cozied up together (including our beloved family dogs), without any real distractions, to just soak up each other’s stories, and energy, and laughter, and inside jokes, are more precious than gold. It’s like our shared familial love just got a little re-charging. We all got the boost we needed. We all got the reminder that each of us is deeply loved and each of us has a cheering squad, along our own individual paths in life. Today, I am feeling a little melancholy, but mostly deeply blessed. If I am honest, I sometimes get irritated when I see people wearing shirts or necklaces that state, “Blessed.” I think to myself, “You’re not special. Don’t be smug. We are all blessed.” But today, in the warmth of my freshly love-bathed heart, I get it. Those shirts and necklaces are meant to be a reminder to each of us, that we are all deeply blessed. Our lives are filled with blessings. And in the times like this morning, when I am most acutely aware of my greatest blessings, I am humbled and I am in awe, at just how good life can feel and it can be. And I know that this hopeful, beautiful feeling will sustain me, even in the times when my life’s blessings are a little more subtle and hiding behind some of life’s great challenges. But for today, I feel like wearing “Blessed” boldy and proudly. Today, my blessings are glowing to me. And it feels really good and I want this same feeling for everyone.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

I Offer You This Blessing

I love perfume. I own bottles and bottles of it. The sense of smell easily is one of my favorite senses. Recently, I purchased a bottle of Wen perfume. The scent is okay – nice and light and minty and fresh, but the best part of the purchase, is the blessing that came with it, printed on the perfume box. It’s such a good blessing that I cut it out of the box and I placed it on my desk, front and center. It’s such a good blessing that I would like to pass it on to you, my friends:

“May you be blessed with light, love, hope, strength, faith, joy, truth, honesty, understanding, wisdom, harmony, prosperity, success, health and happiness in all of the years to come. “

I highly recommend that you take this blessing, offered to you in love, and in gratitude and in earnest appreciation, soak it in, and print it out. Place it somewhere that you will see it every single day. (My husband’s grandparents used to tape blessings and Bible verses on their bathroom mirrors – a warm, wise practice which I have copied, over the years) Read it while you have a nice scented candle lit, or when you are petting your beloved pet, or while you are gazing at your favorite family photo – doing this, so that you associate your blessing with a wonderful, sensory experience.

Have an amazing day, my dear, dear friends! May your day be filled with light, love, hope, strength, faith, joy, truth, honesty, understanding, wisdom, harmony, prosperity, success, health and happiness!

25 Blessed Quotes - Inspirational Quotes About Being Blessed in Life