Monday Funday


I didn’t really start seriously drinking coffee until I was probably in my early forties. Before that, I drank gallons of Diet Coke. When I decided Diet Coke wasn’t healthy for me anymore, I substituted my three morning Diet Cokes, for coffee. Hmmmm. I am going to look up a word for replacing one bad habit for another bad habit. I’ll be right back. Okay, the closest thing I could find was “addiction replacement.” You learn something new every day.


Because Big Brother always knows what I am thinking about and what I am writing about, an article popped up on my feed. Look what is new on the market, below! I am going to look up a word for adding a bad habit, to another bad habit. I’ll be right back. Okay, the closest thing which I could find to describe coffee and coke together, is “comorbidity.” (It pays to come back to the website if you are a subscriber. I edit my blog posts all of the time!)

Coke wih Coffee arrives at US stores on Monday.

Are you passing on love, or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love. 

St. Nick

Image result for warrior movie quotes

I wanted to write about my favorite character in the TV series The Mandalorian, but a person named Corey Plante says it better than I ever could. He says this:

Everybody loves Baby Yoda on The Mandalorian, and the bounty hunter protagonist is undeniably very cool, but the best and most under-appreciated character on the Disney+ show is definitely the Ugnaught named Kuiil who appears in the first two episodes to toss some no-nonsense shade around like a hilarious, crotchety old Boomer that you actually want to hang out with.

Imagine being able to instantly end any conversation you wanted by uttering three simple words: “I have spoken.” Feeling trapped in an awkward conversation at a party? “I have spoken.” Walk away. Exhausted by family meals during the holidays? “I have spoken.” Leave the room. If you assertively end a conversation early, nobody can argue with what you said. What if we all ended every conversation this way?

For the pig-like alien Kuiil, who speaks directly and without hesitation, this is how he ends every conversation. He comes across as deeply rational and admirable, even if many people might mistake him for a bit of a jerk.”

Kuill is based on Nick Nolte. Despite being a short, pig-nosed alien, the likeness Kuill has to Nick Nolte is uncanny and of course, he speaks in Nick Nolte’s voice. Nick Nolte is a very talented actor, now aged 78, who has certainly gone through some wild rides in his life. Who can’t conjure that image of him, in that greatly parodied mugshot of a very disheveled Nick Nolte, having been arrested for drunk driving some time in the early 2000s? When I googled Nick Nolte in conjunction with redemption, a movie called Warrior kept coming up, where the above meme came from. I have not watched Warrior. Apparently, the movie is about a recovering alcoholic, who is hired to manage his estranged son, who is a wrestler in the MMA.

Why am I writing about Star Wars, and Nick Nolte and MMA extreme fighting, on Christmas Eve? Are you concerned that I have finally lost it? No. I’m okay. I am just thinking a lot about redemption. We are coming close to the end of the year, and to the end of a decade. We have an amazing fresh start available to all of us, on the brink of a whole new decade, a whole new year, a whole new day. My beliefs are that Christmas is a lot about redemption, and that very hope that is available to all of us. I don’t expect you to share my beliefs. As the beginning quote by Socrates states, we must find our own truths and to truly believe these truths, they must come from inside the deepest cores of our own knowing and understanding, not from anyone or anything outside of us. Still, no matter what your beliefs are, I hope that you can find that tiny manger within yourself, and find that healthy, beautiful, innocent, yet so, so, so powerful infant of light, inside that manger, always there for you and always available to you. I hope that you can find some quiet time to yourself for reflection and gratitude and getting your vibration back to a calm, harmonic, and peaceful tranquility, and I hope that you and I, experience that stillness, that pure Love, throughout the holiday season and into the new year, and throughout the new decade.

Merry Christmas Eve, my friends!! I hope that this juncture in the holiday season, this beginning of the ending of the year 2019, the near end of the decade known as the 2010s, has you in a relatively peaceful place – a place of acceptance, a place of less resistance, a place of hope and a place of healing. A place of wholeness. A place of redemption. As always, know how grateful I am for your presence in my life. I am so grateful for your time, your feedback, your talents, your inspiration and your support. I hold you in my heart always.

I have spoken.

Sausage Friday!

The perfect pack of sausages! Owner Liam Beach lined up the 17 sausage dogs. From top, left to right: Buster, Daisy, Ziggy, Wallie, Zac, Bonnie, Saffie, Duke, Diamond, Ruby, Kizzy Sammy, Kandy, Kiki, Lottie, Benji and Dudley

Happy Friday!!! Happy Favorite Things Friday!! A man in England got his 17 dachshunds to pose for this picture. He also has a Labrador retriever, but that dog would not cooperate. As someone who lives with a big old goofy lab, I understand. This picture just put a smile on my face and a giggle in my heart. New readers, Fridays are fun and fabulous here at Adulting – Second Half. Nothing is taken too seriously here on Fridays. Fridays are only for serious fun. On Fridays, I typically list three favorite household items, beauty products, songs, websites, pet products, etc. that just put the sizzle in my swizzle. I strongly encourage you to mention your own favorites, so that we can keep this economy humming along.

Mandalorian – My husband and I are old-school Star Wars fans. We remember when the first Star Wars came out in theaters (1977, baby!). Truthfully, we were sort of disappointed when Disney bought the Star Wars franchise. However, our college boys insisted that we give the Mandalorian (Disney Plus TV Series) a look, and now, we have surpassed the boys by watching all of the episodes available (and we eagerly await more). One look at Baby Yoda, and you are hooked. Baby Yoda is a cross between an adorable baby, and a precious puppy, even though he is green. (kind of like Baby-Monkey-Puppy, but actually cute) The Mandalorian is fascinating. I keep wondering how I can read the emotions of a metal-helmeted man, whose face is never shown. Give the series a look and may the force be with you!

Orville Peck – Speaking of masked men, check out the music of Orville Peck, which is a pseudonym for a gay, masked country singer, who nobody really knows who the real man is, but that doesn’t really matter. His music, is old-timey, haunting Western style and his voice is mesmerizing. At the beginning of each of his songs, you expect the Lone Ranger to appear in your living room. Fascinating and unique and certainly worth a listen!

McDonalds Star Wars Happy Meal Prizes – Getting back to Star Wars, my regular readers know that I had a Christmas feast with one of my favorite friends this week, which included McDonalds Happy Meals. The prize in the meal was so cool, that my little flower insisted that she was going to hang it on her book bag to show it off. I thought that the prize was so neat that I drove back down to McDonalds and bought these prizes for my big kids at home. (you can buy the prizes separately from the food, $2 each) The Star Wars Happy Meal prizes are keychains, depicting the classic Star Wars characters, with a little button that makes a hologram show up, much like how the Star Wars characters communicate in the movies. These prizes are a big upgrade from Cracker Jack trinkets, I am telling you. They would make for fun stocking stuffers for the kids of all ages, in your lives.

Have a fabulous Friday!! Have a glorious Holiday Week!! I will post every single day during the holidays. I’m here for you, friends!!

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