Peaceful Monday

“The total amount of energy and matter in the Universe remains constant, merely changing from one form to another. The First Law of Thermodynamics (Conservation) states that energy is always conserved, it cannot be created or destroyed.” – The Law of Thermodynamics

Frankl Quotes On Spirit. QuotesGram

When you get really quiet and still, such as when you are involved in meditation or in a listening prayer state, or at a point where you choose to completely surrender to what is happening right in the moment to the degree that you lose all sense of time, you are connected to the part of you that will never, ever disappear. When you are in that detached, peaceful state of awareness, you come to understand what is eternal. This awareness doesn’t have thoughts, although it has all-knowingness. This awareness energy just notices thoughts, like it notices bodily sensations, without naming or judging anything. It just lovingly notices all that is going on right in the very moment. This deep, eternal part of you, is peace and love beyond understanding. It cannot be touched by fear, or by worry, or by desperation. It is untouchable, indestructible and everlasting. This awareness energy is always available to you. Today you can choose to stay with the realest, deepest, most undisturbed energy that lies within you, or you can stay mired in all of the scary news of the day. Use your feelings as a navigation system. What feels better – obsessively scrolling through the negative news feeds and trying to make intellectual sense of it all, or staying connected to the very, now moment, in which you are breathing, and in which you are completely okay? What state is your body in, when you are mired in fear and anger and distress? Is it tight muscles with cold extremities? What state is your body in when you are calm and connected to your inner peace? Is it warm and soft? We don’t want to believe that peace is a choice, but it is. As I have written recently, peace is a practice. But it is a worthwhile act. Peace is a practice of noticing what is always there, and always available to us, deep below the surface.

When you realize that you have this untouchable awareness inside of you, you come to realize that every other living thing has this same exact awareness inside of them, too. You come to realize that this awareness is what binds you to every other being for eternity. You come to realize that it is this very continual awareness that creates, and yet also experiences Creation. You come to realize that this peaceful, knowing awareness is what makes all of us One. So that if you think that you are hurting or attacking another, you may bruise their bodies, or their egos, but you can never destroy their Awareness, and nor can they destroy yours. And even more so, how silly it is to try to destroy that which is a very part of you, and that what is eternally indestructible.

I know that this is deep for my blog on a Monday. It is fun to start the week off on a joke, like I typically do on Monday-Fundays. But it is strength to start the week out on the right foot, by making peace a practice. When peace is your practice, you can laugh and you can cry, but at your core, you remain in tranquil bliss forevermore.

Are you passing on love or are you passing on pain? Heal your pain and pass on love.

What Is

“Never let the memories of the way things were, blind you from the reality of the way things are.” – unknown

We all do the above statement, don’t we? We stay in relationships, friendships, jobs, neighborhoods, club affiliations, etc. sometimes way past their expiration dates, lost in the fond remembrance and loyalties, stemming from the past. When we do this, we avoid the fact that everything is always in a constant state of change, including us. Change is the only constant. It’s okay to outgrow a situation that is no longer healthy or right for us. Goldfish move from bowls to aquariums and then to ponds. Plants need to be replanted when they grow too big for their confining pots. The examples go on and on.

Right now, there are so many books and teachings on the importance of being aware and staying in the present moment. At a time in history when everything, especially technology, seems to be growing and changing at warp speed, it is even more important to take pause, take a breath and really assess what is going on in our lives, right in the present moment. Now. It is a hard concept to grasp, but the only thing that we really have is the present moment. Now is the only reality.

“The reason people find it hard to be happy is that they always see the past better than it was, the present worse than it is, and the future less resolved than it will be.” – Twitter