The Force and Garden Eels


“How your life feels is more important that how it looks.” – Think Smarter

How is everyone feeling today, readers? I am taking another temperature check. You’ve been a little quiet out there. How’s the force within you? It is pulsating or is it a tad weak? Whatever it is, it’s okay. Do what feels best.

Silence may be as variously shaded as speech. – Edith Wharton

I really enjoyed the above news story reported by the BBC. It turns out the Sumida Aquarium in Tokyo needed help with some interaction with its Garden Eels. Garden Eels know quite a bit about isolating, as they rarely ever leave the burrows, in the sand, that they live in. Isolation is their regular way of life. The Eels that live in the Sumida Aquarium were forgetting what humans looked like and were shyly staying buried in their burrows instead of peeking out. Their keepers were worried about them and they were having trouble monitoring the little eels’ health. Their solution to this problem? They set up iPads with cameras and asked people to come “look” at their garden eels, to keep them used to human faces and to human interaction. Watch the video. It’s strangely calming.

A sad-looking garden eel

So, my little garden eels, how are you doing really? What “takes” have you gotten from all of this isolation? Are you starting to poke your heads out a little bit more? Are you feeling scared and wanting to stay buried in the comforts of your own burrows? Whatever you are feeling, it’s all okay. And it’s all going to be okay.