Things That Caught My Attention

“I have come to think of almost everyone with whom I come into contact as a patient in the emergency room. I see a lot of gaping wounds and dazed expressions.” ~@ANNELAMOTT

This first quote struck me as quite true and interesting. Yesterday, seemed like a particularly rough day for a lot of people in my circle. The emergency room of Life had a full waiting room, yesterday, it seemed. I hate that I feel so confused with anyone I encounter on a walk or in the grocery store. It’s a feeling filled with compassion and wanting to hug them and show them smiley eyes behind my mask and at yet the same time, I try to avert eye contact and I hold my breath and kind of shrink into myself, any time I pass someone. Then I see the people walking around confidently without masks, and I am filled with a mix of righteous anger, a twinge of embarrassment (I’m not used to the mask thing yet) and maybe even a smidge of jealousy of their indignant confidence. Confliction of feelings is a diagnosis that I would give to myself and probably to most people whom I know.


The above picture is what someone did to convert their attic into an in-home tent. I want one. My daughter is convinced that we have “attic people” living upstairs, despite the fact that we live in Florida and our attic is so hot and inhospitable that we sweat gallons, just bringing our Christmas decorations down every year. And that’s in the wintertime. If we do have attic people, I hope that they have decorated it like the picture above. I think that it would add to our overall home’s value, for sure. It would be like having a vacation home, in your home.


Today would have been Harper Lee’s 94th birthday. What a visionary, amazing writer! When you stand out from the “stand outs”, that really says something.


Someone commented on this tweet by saying that the aliens would get food poisoning. I texted this meme to some friends and one of my friends said that there is great truth in this, as she has eaten ice cream every single night of quarantine. I mentioned that I eat ice cream every single night, too, and that’s pretty desperate of me because I have lactose intolerance. So, if the aliens eat me, I think I will be like a cheese puff to them, filled with a lot of air.

Speaking of being an old airbag, I better quit while I’m ahead. See you tomorrow, friends! Hope that you are not in the proverbial emergency room waiting area, but at the very least, resting comfortably at home.