Where’s Your Dedication?

A while back, I read an article about a school principal who was being honored for the many valuable changes he had made to make his school from one of the worst schools in the area, to one of the best.  He said that the mantra he had grown to live by was, “If you want something badly enough, you’ll find a way.  If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.”

Reflecting back on your life, you can see the things that you wanted badly.  You would stop at nothing to get it.  The burning drive to achieve whatever was most desired couldn’t be stopped by any obstacle. No negativity was allowed to seep in to stop the momentum.  Smart Thinking, my favorite Twitter feed recently posted, “Be stronger than your strongest excuse.”  When we really want something, that strength isn’t hard to find.  When we feel uninspired about something that we are doing, the excuses wheedle their way in easily.

I find that I use these reflections to really look at what I’m doing on a daily basis.  There are things that I am doing that I’m obviously just going through the motions, in a lackluster way.  Could that be showing me that there are certain areas in my life that I am just wasting my time?  Are there things that could be cut out of the schedule or modified or changed because I am not doing them with gusto and often I am looking for excuses not to do them at all?  Of course, there are certain daily things that we just have to do like wash the dishes, do the laundry, pay the bills, etc. These things are hard to do with any kind of enthusiasm at all, but they still need to be done.  Even so, there are also a lot of filler items that we all have in our lives that become habits, “have-tos”, “just what we do”s, that maybe aren’t necessary and are blocking us from really trailblazing towards our biggest passions and possible achievements.

Actions speak louder than words.  We can say that we really want something, but the actions we are taking show us really how badly we want it.  Anne Wilson Schaef said, “When we underestimate ourselves, we are insulting God.”  We can really want something, but we then let fear and insecurity stop us from achieving it.  But if God put that desire in our heart, doesn’t it follow that He will use the forces of the Universe to help us attain our yearnings, if we put the action in and passion towards our goals in equal measure?

To really be clear about what we are wanting to accomplish in life, we have to become observers of our own actions.  We have to observe the feelings that either propel us towards our goals or hold us back from carrying out what we say we want to achieve.  When we get clear on our objectives and understand our true motivations, there can be no stopping us, on what is truly ours to realize.

I saw this posted on a wall the other day, “Do more of what makes you forget to look at your phone.”  The actions that we get lost in, the things that make time stop for us, are where our hearts lie.  When we follow the path of our heart with honest recognition, passion, desire, confidence and faith that Higher forces are helping us along the way, there is no stopping us!