Just Three Words

I was reading an interesting post on Smart Thinking on Twitter. The author asked his followers to describe 2018 in three words. Some people didn’t have such a great 2018. Here were some of their answers:

I no like.

Thank you, next.

Ha, I tried.

2019 Come Fast.

Waste of time.

Worst so far.


It sounds like some people had an above average kind of a year. Here are their replies:

Ups and Downs.

Not so Bad.

Follow Your Heart.

Learned to Forgive.

Persistence, perspiration and patience

Some people seemed to really like 2018. This is how they answered:

Change is good.

All is well.

Fun, teaching, travel.

Blessed. Loved. Strengthened.

A great year.

One person just came off as funny and clever. This is how he answered:

Two thousand eighteen.

If I were to answer the question, Exciting, Exhilarating and Exhausting came to mind right away. I wouldn’t mind for 2019 to be those same three words, although I somehow would like to change “exhausting” to “energizing.” I probably should put a little more emphasis on physical health this coming year, for that to happen.

I like reflecting on the past year, thinking about what I would like to keep in the new year and what has served its purpose, and now is time to discard. I read recently to not call goals for the new year “resolutions”, but more “intentions”, to keep the focus on the positive and the possible. I like that. I also read recently that if you are having a hard time deciding what you want in life, think about the things that you don’t want and turn that around to what you do want. So, if you don’t want drama and craziness in 2019, that can be turned around to what you do want – peace and harmony. Once you figure out what you do want, you can think about smaller steps you can take to achieve your intention.

I’ve always enjoyed this time of year. I find it, well, Exciting, Exhilarating and Energizing! How would you describe your 2018 in three words? How would you like to describe your upcoming 2019 in three words, using your best intentions?

Because, as one responder stated:

Life goes on.